울프 아프리카

울프 아프리카

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Flash player support has ended. Please continue after Browser Update to the optimal environment. For youth protection, this content is age-restricted, and only users over 19 years old can watch it. Streamer has password-protected this content from those under the age of Please enter the password to proceed. When you are block from a stream, you cannot watch the stream or the chat.

울프 아프리카


Try sending stickers to the streamer for Alert Voice items! Bid History. If the users cancel 5 times in the last 1 days, they are unable to request another mission for all streamers, 울프 아프리카.


Flash player support has ended. Please continue after Browser Update to the optimal environment. For youth protection, this content is age-restricted, and only users over 19 years old can watch it. Streamer has password-protected this content from those under the age of Please enter the password to proceed. When you are block from a stream, you cannot watch the stream or the chat. You will not be able to enter again upon leaving. The stream will continue after the break time. You can only UP a streamer per day!

울프 아프리카

Please update to Windows 10 or higher to use the service. You can check out the details 'here'. Do not show for a week. This content has been deemed inappropriate by the Information Network Act and the Juvenile Protection Act for users under the age of Do you have your VR headset ready? Try streaming with our classic studio!

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Please continue after Browser Update to the optimal environment. Following store. The stream will continue after the break time. Blog Favorites. It is a function that the streamers team up to conduct a competition content and distribute donated star balloons according to the results of the competition. If you send stickers, the streamer can use the stickers to purchase items. Signature Emoticon There are no signature emoticons. We will be reactivating your account Inactive Account. Yes No. Stars Balloons Stars Balloons. If the streamer does not use E-Assistant or if there is a separate setting, the alert might not be played. The mission result will be decided by the streamer, while the requested user can only select 'Success'. Use Cancel. You need to subscribe to streamers that use subscriber-only emoticons. Mission Request Cancel.


Your account requires the approval of a legal guardian. Enter Randomly Settings. Ban List Total Viewers 0 People. The stream has already ended. Flash player support has ended in June Bombax sp. Forced Removal 1. AfreecaTV admins work hard to provide a safe and comfortable chat environment! Emoticon Go Back. Use Cancel.

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