

In order to help you find support in your 13reasonswhy.com, we have compiled a list of local programs and agencies from our partners around the world, 13reasonswhy.com. This is not a comprehensive list of all programs and services in your area, but a good place to start if you or someone that you know needs help from a trusted resource. For programs 13reasonswhy.com services in your country that are not listed here, we recommend you visit www. For information about 13 Reasons Why in your language go to: 13reasonswhy, 13reasonswhy.com.

If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. Below is information on how to find support. Filmed in a candid and often explicit manner, 13 Reasons Why takes an honest look at the issues faced by young people today. The information below is meant to help viewers understand the various issues addressed in the series, and to help guide productive conversations around the tough topics that the series raises and how these situations can be addressed if experienced. Healing from sexual assault or abuse is a process that looks different for everyone. There is no timetable for healing from sexual violence, but there are resources that can help you or a loved one manage the effects.


The series revolves around high school student Clay Jensen Dylan Minnette and the aftermath of the suicide of fellow student Hannah Baker Katherine Langford. Through its various storylines, the show explores and depicts a wide range of social issues affecting modern youth. A film from Universal Pictures based on Thirteen Reasons Why began development in February , with Selena Gomez set to star as Hannah, before being shelved in favor of a television series and Netflix ordering an adaptation as a limited series in October , with Gomez instead serving as an executive producer. The first season was released on Netflix on March 31, It received positive reviews from critics and audiences, who praised its themes, emotional weight, subject matter, character development and acting, particularly the performances of Minnette and Langford. In response, Netflix added a warning card in March that plays at the start of each episode warning viewers about the themes of each season. In May , Netflix renewed 13 Reasons Why for a second season due to the success of the initial 13 episodes; [8] the second season was released on May 18, , and was met with generally negative critical reviews. Coinciding with the release of the second season, Netflix released a video with the cast that cautioned viewers on some of the topics covered in the show and provided a support website with crisis numbers for people affected by depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. In August , the series was renewed for a fourth and final season, which was released on June 5, Set in the fictional county of Evergreen, California , the first season follows Liberty High student Clay Jensen , who receives a set of cassette tapes at his front porch. These tapes were recorded by Hannah Baker , a former Liberty High student who killed herself two weeks prior and recorded thirteen reasons why she did so on the tapes.

May 10, 13reasonswhy.com Filmed in a candid 13reasonswhy.com often explicit manner, 13 Reasons Why takes an honest look at the issues faced by young people today, 13reasonswhy.com. That the cute, sensitive boy will fall in love with you and seek justice for you, and you'll be able to orchestrate it, 13reasonswhy.com, and in so doing kind of still be able to live.

Resources and tools to address these concerns were quickly and widely disseminated in an effort to help parents, educators, clinical professionals and other adults engage in conversations with youth about the themes found in the show. In advance of the release of season 2, SAVE Suicide Awareness Voices of Education brought together a group of 75 leading experts in mental health, suicide prevention and education as well as healthcare professionals see full list below to develop tools to help encourage positive responses to the series. In just a few short months, this group has developed a toolkit providing practical guidance and reliable resources for parents, educators, clinicians, youth and media related to the content of the series suicide, school violence, sexual assault, bullying, substance abuse, etc. Using the toolkit and resources developed will help to encourage conversations, identify those at risk and prevent unexpected tragedies. Hopefully, it will also help those in need get the appropriate level of support and professional care to ensure that youth are protected, nurtured and our communities are stronger. Dan Reidenberg. SAVE especially thanks the following sub-group leaders in this effort:.

Follows teenager Clay Jensen, in his quest to uncover the story behind his classmate and crush, Hannah, and her decision to end her life. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer Drama Mystery Thriller. Creator Brian Yorkey. See production info at IMDbPro.


Resources and tools to address these concerns were quickly and widely disseminated in an effort to help parents, educators, clinical professionals and other adults engage in conversations with youth about the themes found in the show. In advance of the release of season 2, SAVE Suicide Awareness Voices of Education brought together a group of 75 leading experts in mental health, suicide prevention and education as well as healthcare professionals see full list below to develop tools to help encourage positive responses to the series. In just a few short months, this group has developed a toolkit providing practical guidance and reliable resources for parents, educators, clinicians, youth and media related to the content of the series suicide, school violence, sexual assault, bullying, substance abuse, etc. Using the toolkit and resources developed will help to encourage conversations, identify those at risk and prevent unexpected tragedies. Hopefully, it will also help those in need get the appropriate level of support and professional care to ensure that youth are protected, nurtured and our communities are stronger. Dan Reidenberg. SAVE especially thanks the following sub-group leaders in this effort:.

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Compilation soundtracks have been released for the first three seasons, as well as score albums featuring the show's original score by Eskmo. Retrieved May 2, Have you used the toolkit? The site's critical consensus reads: " 13 Reasons Why attempts to break away from its first two seasons only to become a melodramatic mess of a murder mystery. Kek Vonal. May 9, National Suicide Research Foundation Ireland. The New York Times. In August , the series had been renewed for a fourth and final season, which premiered on June 5, Psychology Today.

The series revolves around high school student Clay Jensen Dylan Minnette and the aftermath of the suicide of fellow student Hannah Baker Katherine Langford. Through its various storylines, the show explores and depicts a wide range of social issues affecting modern youth.

It received positive reviews, who praised its subject matter and acting, particularly the performances of Minnette and Langford. ISSN Archived from the original on October 2, You and the others involved impacted a few lives tonight. Office of the eSafety Commissioner. Youth mental health. Retrieved June 9, Meredith Corporation. June 28, The third season was met with overwhelmingly negative reviews, with criticism aimed at the screenplay for poor execution of its topics, including the rape of Tyler in the final episode of the previous season, [69] [70] the new character of Ani, [71] the sympathetic redemption of Bryce, [72] genre changing from drama to mystery, and the conclusion. Archived from the original on June 12, Things to Keep in Mind Discussion Guide Filmed in a candid and often explicit manner, 13 Reasons Why takes an honest look at the issues faced by young people today. It's not an easy subject to talk about, but I'm very fortunate with how it's doing. Retrieved August 25, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

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