1958 zodiac

Lucky Numbers: 5, 6.

Dog is the eleventh in the year cycle of Chinese zodiac animals. The recent Years of the Dog include , , , , , , , , , , Dog is men's good friend who can understand the human spirit and obey its master, whether he is wealthy or not. Chinese people regard it as an auspicious animal. If a dog happens to come to a house, it symbolizes the coming of fortune.

1958 zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac is made up of 12 animals arranged in order from the rat through to the pig. The order was decided by a race between the animals, organised thousands of years ago by the Jade Emperor of China. Legend has it that the cat and the rat, who were friends, decided to help each other. They asked the ox, an early riser, to wake them on the morning of the race, but when the sun rose they could not be woken. The ox decided to carry the cat and rat on his back and was crossing a river when the rat woke up. Realising the cat was a faster runner and was sure to win, the rat pushed his friend into the river, jumped off the ox as it reached the riverbank and ran to victory. The ox finished second and was followed by the tiger who hopped across the river on the backs of other animals , rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. The cat was too late to be included in the zodiac and, according to the Chinese, is still chasing rats and mice to this day. In the Lunar calendar and Chinese astrology, the years are named for different animals in a 12 year sequence. Your year of birth determines your astrological sign. The Year of the Rat has special significance for people born in , , , , , , and The Rat is the first Sign of the Chinese Zodiac and is born under the sign of charm. He is intelligent, popular, and loves attending parties and large social gatherings.

Horses are especially well-suited to those born under the signs of the Tiger, Goat, 1958 zodiac, Rooster and Dog. Choose your date of birth and find out about your Chinese zodiac sign. Retrieved 14 March

In Chinese culture, the Dog is highly regarded for its protective nature, strong sense of responsibility, and willingness to go above and beyond for loved ones. The zodiac sign Dog is a symbol of loyalty, companionship, and faithfulness. The Dog ranks the 11th among the animals of the Chinese zodiac. Each year is related to an animal sign according to a year-cycle. The most relevant years of the Tiger include , , , , , , If you were born in one of the above calendar years, your Chinese zodiac sign is probably the Dog, and in China you would be known as a Dog.

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1958 zodiac

Email address:. The Earthen Dog natives born in are just like the eternal friend of humans, the dog. Loyal, devoted, kind, and very understanding, they will stay focused on the job at hand until they manage to finish it. Nothing will distract them, and they will never compromise their principles to find a solution. With other people, they behave themselves exemplary, meaning that they listen carefully to what they have to say. They are polite and diplomatic, responsible and independent. These people have many skills and abilities, and they are endowed with a tremendous capacity for learning. They accumulate knowledge all their lives, searching and bringing together many experiences, all concentrated on a singular purpose, the achievement of their goals.

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However, he does sometimes lack the confidence to promote his ideas as much as he should and this can often prevent him from securing the recognition and credit he so often deserves. The physical condition is pretty good for the Earth Dog. It makes their popularity among friends but also brings some troubles at work. Home Births Get a birth certificate Chinese zodiac commemorative birth certificates Year of the Horse — Chinese zodiac commemorative birth certificate Year of the Horse — Chinese zodiac commemorative birth certificate. Those born in the year of the dog are known for their loyalty, sincerity and honesty. For example, a Wood Dog comes once in a year cycle. Dogs are seen as valuable employees as they put their heart and soul into their tasks. Will our marriage become successful? The Chinese Zodiac calendar moves in a year cycle, meaning those born in , , , , , and are all considered Dogs. The Tiger adores challenges and he loves to get involved in anything which he thinks has an exciting future or which catches his imagination.

People born in the year of the DOG are honest, loyal, and have a deep sense of duty. Their intelligence and industrious nature make them good leaders in the business world.

Nature Tours Photography Tours. The Chinese Zodiac calendar moves in a year cycle, meaning those born in , , , , , and are all considered Dogs. He makes a good diplomat, lawyer, shop keeper, administrator or priest. Pingyao Shanghai Suzhou Silk Road. The Snake is born under the sign of wisdom. Despite his self-confidence and leadership qualities, the Tiger can be indecisive and will often delay making a major decision until the very last moment. Start planning your tailor-made tour with help from our travel advisors. He is not renowned for being either tactful or diplomatic in his criticism however he often takes people at their word and can occasionally be rather gullible. Just be brave and make some changes. Name disputes. The Horse is born under the signs of elegance and ardour.

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