1964 1 cent

1964 1 cent

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1964 1 cent

The San Francisco Mint struck this coin for circulation as well as all proofs for this type. Before that, he was Assistant Engraver. He designed both sides of the Susan B. Please sign in or create an account to manage your collection. Values in the table above are expressed in EUR. They are based on evaluations by Numista users and sales realized on Internet platforms. They serve as an indication only; they are not intended to be relied upon for buying, selling or exchanging. Numista does not buy or sell coins or banknotes. Frequencies show the percentage of Numista users who own each year or variety among all the users who own this coin. Tracy L. Schmidt editor ;

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South Africa broke its political ties with Great Britain in and became an independent republic. In the years that followed, it changed the design of its coins to replace the portrait of Queen Elizabeth with a portrait of Jan van Riebeeck. The coins were minted at a time when apartheid political ideology dominated South African society. Apartheid laws enforced racial segregation and oppressed Africans and other people of color. This coin also depicts a wagon, which was a symbol of the movement of the Great Trek of the s, a period in which the ancestors of European immigrants migrated from the Cape of Good Hope into the South African interior. Date Made:

The United States one-cent coin often called a penny , from the British coin of the same name is a unit of currency equalling one-hundredth of a United States dollar. It has been the lowest-value physical unit of U. The earliest one cent coins were large and made of copper. When a large copper coin became impractical, an alternative was sought. The Flying Eagle cent was a transitional smaller type , struck between and in copper-nickel. This design was short-lived and was replaced by the the Indian Head type in - initially also in copper-nickel until , then bronze. In , the Lincoln Cent was introduced to mark the centenary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. This was the first time when an actual person and not an abstract symbol such as Liberty was depicted on American coins.

1964 1 cent

A Lincoln Cent may appear as an insignificant collectible due to its rich availability. But it can be found with scarce, precious errors and SMS satin finish, which can hike its price from a few cents to thousands of dollars! Want to know more about such errors, design, and historical features of the Lincoln Memorial penny? This value guide is what you need! Interestingly, the penny coin was designed by two different US Mint engravers. The front or obverse of the Memorial Cent features the customary Lincoln design curated by Lithuanian sculptor Victor D. Brenner as follows:.

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They serve as an indication only; they are not intended to be relied upon for buying, selling or exchanging. This coin also depicts a wagon, which was a symbol of the movement of the Great Trek of the s, a period in which the ancestors of European immigrants migrated from the Cape of Good Hope into the South African interior. Please sign in or create an account to manage your collection. The San Francisco Mint struck this coin for circulation as well as all proofs for this type. These coins lacked a mintmark are were indistinguishable from the Philadelphia issue. Please enter your email address. Remember me. EUR 8. If you are looking to purchase one of these coins, they can typically be found with little difficulty. Enter Password Confirm Password. The text on the Lincoln one cent coin reads as follows. It ranges from 0 to , 0 meaning a very common coin or banknote and meaning a rare coin or banknote among Numista members. Add To My Collection. Katz Auction 90 Lot Apartheid laws enforced racial segregation and oppressed Africans and other people of color.

The penny value depends mainly on the condition of the coin. Prices can range from several dollars to as high as four figures.

Enter Password Confirm Password. If you are looking to purchase one of these coins, they can typically be found with little difficulty. Breadcrumb Collections 1 Cent, South Africa, Object Name: coin. Frequencies show the percentage of Numista users who own each year or variety among all the users who own this coin. They serve as an indication only; they are not intended to be relied upon for buying, selling or exchanging. Please enter your email address. Exhibition Location:. Click to view download files. Back to log-in. IIIF provides researchers rich metadata and media viewing options for comparison of works across cultural heritage collections.

1 thoughts on “1964 1 cent

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