3 - 3 x 6 + 2 answer

3 - 3 x 6 + 2 answer

After posting Trending: Only for genius??

After posting Trending: Only for genius?? Even with the hint about remembering the order of operations, people still got it wrong on my poll. So I am adding this explanation section to the top of the article it is similar to information in the linked related posts. So, Multiplication and Division can be done at the same time and then Addition and Subtraction can be done at the same time. The order is irrelevant.

3 - 3 x 6 + 2 answer

Last week, I posted a couple of articles with a maths problem that has been trending on the Book of Face. If you have not read them and answered the poll in the first article, please do that now:. Many of those who understand the concept of Order of Operations do the multiplication or division first failed to apply it properly and of those who did apply it correctly, then failed to perform the addition or subtraction parts correctly. Apply the Order of Operations. Remembering number lines, with negative numbers on the left of the zero and positive numbers on the right. If I have a negative number and add a positive number to it, it will make the result less negative. The most popular incorrect answer was This is the answer you will get if you correctly apply Order of Operations, but then incorrectly add 2 to Below is an example to help you with this:. The next most popular incorrect answer was 2. This is the answer you will get if you ignore Order of Operations and just calculate each part of the equation from left to right.

Learn how your comment data is processed. You must use order of operations, which means perform the multiplication and division before the addition and subtraction. The order you perform the addition and subtraction in is irrelevant, the answer will be the same.


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3 - 3 x 6 + 2 answer


Masaru bakugo

It is add 2. Even with the hint about remembering the order of operations, people still got it wrong on my poll. Addition and Subtraction can be performed at the same time and you will always get the same result if you do it correctly. You are wrong. As division and multiplication can be performed together and addition and subtraction can be performed together. Now you can use a Number Line to finish the calculation. If that does not answer your question, please state it again. They should normally spend some time discussing order of operations. In my next couple of articles, I will discuss how I learnt accounting principles and the maths behind them including number lines. Sorry, that is incorrect. The most popular incorrect answer was


Read the article which explains how mathematics works. Email Required Name Required Website. Not at algebraic… Just imagine by adding bracket your changing the problem.. So glad you can do basic maths. Answer has gone viral and explanations Enjoy David Dec Added additional explanations at the top of the article. Like 0 Share. Hi Shannon I was busy. Some people learn the menomic as BI[MD][AS], with the brackets indicating that multiplication and division can be performed together as long as they are done before addition and subtraction which also can be performed together. Hi Jamie It makes no difference whether you do subtraction before addition or addition before subtraction. Pingback: Viral: Only for genius??

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