38 caliber vs 9mm
Not so long ago, when you talked about self-defense firearms, 38 caliber vs 9mm, especially for law enforcement officers, you were talking about some sort of revolver. More often than not, those revolvers were chambered in. Times change, however, and now 9mm is the cartridge of choice for defensive handguns.
It is strange how myth and legend can somehow evolve into fact. The only reliable statistics are those that have been proven and recorded. Sure one can assume that because something is larger it must be superior. One can also assume that if an item costs more, it must also be superior as well. While this may have some merit, it is not always accurate. The 9mm is not puny.
38 caliber vs 9mm
Both cartridges have had years of popularity for self defense, competition, and fun on the range. After the. This differed from the older top-break revolvers from Smith. Austrian firearm designer George Luger developed the 9mm cartridge in The German Army wanted a larger cartridge than a. He took the bottleneck out of the 7. Every major manufacturer that produces revolvers has one chambered in. There are also. A perk of the. This opens up an even wider variety of revolver options.
This is not true of. The amount of recoil you feel when shooting a.
The 9mm Luger also known as 9X19mm Parabellum was designed by George Luger and is the most popular and widely used military handgun cartridge. But a. The 9mm Luger was designed by George Luger from his earlier 7. In he presented it to British Small Arms Committee. In he presented 3 prototypes to the US Navy. It was adopted by the German Navy in and the German Army in Initially the 9mm Luger was lead core.
The 9mm Luger also known as 9X19mm Parabellum was designed by George Luger and is the most popular and widely used military handgun cartridge. But a. The 9mm Luger was designed by George Luger from his earlier 7. In he presented it to British Small Arms Committee. In he presented 3 prototypes to the US Navy. It was adopted by the German Navy in and the German Army in Initially the 9mm Luger was lead core. But during WWII to conserve lead, it was made using iron core jackets. By , normal copper core cartridges were produced.
38 caliber vs 9mm
Truth told, the. Not by a long shot. That said, if you sit down and rattle off the. To start, both are relatively versatile for medium-bore handgun cartridges. Both have more than proven their worth as self-defense options. And each is economical, plentiful and just plain fun to shoot. From that perspective, they almost seem echoes of each other, maybe even a bit redundant. Heck, only two-thousandths of an inch separate their diameters —.
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But is 9mm that much better? The answer is, yes it can with any weight bullet in its class. FTX Sure, but compared to a. Hornady Custom gr. How can the 9mm from the longer barrel with corresponding velocity increase have less muzzle energy than the same round going slower from the shorter barrel, that seems to violate the laws of physics. Major Mike on February 9, at pm. They are within two thousandths of an inch of each other. Especially when you consider that by the time you spend your 18 rounds, the wheel gun would have been reloaded 3 times. Kevin Creighton Prior to joining the team at Ammoman.
It is strange how myth and legend can somehow evolve into fact.
Clark Kent on February 9, at pm. For the. Related Comparisons. FBI recommends that between 12 to 15 inches of penetration is needed for a good self defense cartridge. This is not to say that a grain. While the 9mm does look better on paper, its heavy weight load tops out at grains, while the 38 Special tops out at gains. Let's face it. On the smaller end, guns like the Ruger EC9s hold seven rounds in the magazine plus an additional round in the chamber. The 9mm cartridge is the most popular self defense pistol cartridge in modern times. This opens up an even wider variety of revolver options.
Well! Do not tell fairy tales!
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Prompt, where I can find it?