4 8 15 16

The numbers 48151623 and 42 frequently recurred in Lost.

A mysterious sequence of numbers plagued Hurley Jorge Garcia throughout Lost. Across multiple seasons, audiences saw a particular set of numbers appear at a surprising frequency. They appeared so often that it seemed too strange to be a coincidence. The winning numbers were 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and When several bizarre accidents followed, Hurley came to the conclusion that the numbers — which he got from a mental hospital patient — carried a curse that brought him bad luck. In Lost season 1, Hurley discovered a startling connection between the island and the numbers when he spotted them on the hatch to the Dharma Initiative facility. They were also the same numbers that Desmond Henry Ian Cusick had to input into the Dharma computer every minutes.

4 8 15 16

It first aired on March 2, , on ABC. In September , Hurley wins the lottery, and over the ensuing weeks, everyone around him seems to suffer increasingly bad luck. His grandfather dies of a heart attack, the priest officiating the burial is struck by lightning, his brother's wife walks out on him, his mother breaks her ankle while the house he bought her goes up in flames, and Hurley himself is falsely arrested. He then visits an asylum where he'd resided for a time to talk to a patient there, Leonard Simms, who continually mutters the numbers Hurley used to win the lottery. When Hurley tells him about this, Lenny turns lucid, panics, and shouts that "The numbers are bad! Hurley travels to Kalgoorlie and learns that Toomey died four years before. His widow Martha explains how Toomey and Leonard served together in the U. Navy , stationed at a listening post in the Pacific where they monitored longwave radio transmissions. Most of what they heard was static, but at one point in which coincides with the time Rousseau was stranded on the island , they picked up a signal of a human voice repeating the numbers over and over. After using the numbers to win a guessing jar game at a fair, Toomey experienced a steady stream of bad luck until he finally committed suicide by shotgun. Despite this, Martha asserts that there is no curse, and that "You make your own luck. Looking at some of the documents Sayid found in Rousseau's camp , Hurley notices repeated notations of " 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 ," the same numbers he used to win the lottery. Agitated by this, Hurley sets off on his own to find Rousseau, ignoring Sayid's warnings.

In the alternate reality episode Everybody Loves HugoHurley won at the lottery with different numbers: 10 28 44 53 77

And just in time for a soul-crushing monthlong hiatus. He submitted the following to our illustrious Doc Jensen , expert on all things Lost. The Dharma symbol — the octagon — is a Becker-Hagens grid. No more mystery, Ed? Oh, I doubt that. For instance: Why are all the castaways magnetically attuned to the island?

The Valenzetti Equation is a vital cog in the mythology of Lost but how does it connect to the show's central story and the famous number sequence? One of Lost 's defining features was a set of fascinating mysteries, some of which played out over all six seasons. Alongside the pilot episode's polar bear and the recurring smoke monster, Lost 's most memorable enigma is perhaps the "4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42" number sequence that appeared time and time again in seemingly unrelated places. The sequence was broadcast from a radio tower on the island, etched onto the side of the Hatch, used by Desmond as a code to save the world and used by Hurley to win the lottery, later bringing him bad fortune. Like many of Lost 's mysteries, the true meaning of the numbers is open to debate, but the final season implies they originate from the God-like Jacob. In selecting candidates to take over his role as protector of the island, Jacob used a special lighthouse to watch the outside world. Once the candidates were brought to the island, they were assigned a number that correlated to the degree the lighthouse was set at when spying on them. However, a wider purpose for the numbers was revealed by The Lost Experience , a canon alternate reality experience written by Lost 's writers and producers with the intention of answering questions that the main series didn't have time to address.

4 8 15 16

The mysterious sequence of numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 was a central motif throughout the hit TV show Lost. While never fully decoded, the numbers sparked endless theories and debate among passionate fans. The core Lost numbers are 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and This sequence first appeared in the pilot episode, when Hugo "Hurley" Reyes revealed he used the numbers to win a lottery that upended his life. The numbers then recur throughout the series, both literally and symbolically:. The Lost numbers became shrouded in mystery. Some characters considered them cursed, while others saw mystical meaning in their connections to the island. The Hatch — The numbers are engraved on the exterior door of the mysterious hatch the survivors blow open with dynamite in Season 1, unleashing its secrets. The Code — Inside the hatch, the numbers serve as the code for pushing a button that discharges a strange electromagnetic energy every minutes. Flight Details — Hurley boards Flight at Gate 23 for seat row


The sequence of numbers formed the serial number of a hatch for a station the Initiative built. The episode had Meanwhile, Hurley and Charlie split up after being shot at, and Hurley encounters Rousseau, who holds him at gunpoint. They appeared so often that it seemed too strange to be a coincidence. In a interview with E! At the time the Numbers were first prominently featured in the episode Numbers , The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences did not have any integer sequences which included the Numbers. Hurley is relieved to have finally found someone who agrees with him, and hugs her. The numbers 4 , 8 , 15 , 16 , 23 and 42 frequently recurred in Lost. Convinced of his sincerity, she lowers her gun, but then says that she does not know. ABC Medianet. The Dharma symbol — the octagon — is a Becker-Hagens grid. Claire is thankful and reveals it was her birthday today. Hurley travels to Kalgoorlie and learns that Toomey died four years before. This ties directly into how Hurley got the numbers in the first place. Tools Tools.

The creators of the series refer to these as part of the mythology of the series. As the main setting of the series, the island boasts a number of unusual properties. Its location changes at times and it cannot be reached by ordinary means.

Convinced of his sincerity, she lowers her gun, but then says that she does not know. Claire is thankful and reveals it was her birthday today. Abrams commended Furlan for giving the character "heart and soul", and managed to make her "identifiable and complex". Lostpedia Explore. Categories : Lost season 1 episodes American television episodes Television episodes directed by Dan Attias Television episodes written by David Fury Television episodes written by Brent Fletcher. List of episodes. The others are not. June 19, Sign In Register. Navy , stationed at a listening post in the Pacific where they monitored longwave radio transmissions. The lighthouse's mirrors displayed a different candidate's life with each degree that its dial turned. Hurley refuses to back down, and adamantly insists that she tell him what the numbers mean. For your convenience, here are the prime factorizations:.

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