5e grapple

5e grapple

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5e grapple

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5e grapple

RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance. The advice offered below is based on the current State of the Character Optimization Meta as of when the article was last updated. Keep in mind that the state of the meta periodically changes as new source materials are released, and the article will be updated accordingly as time allows. As with any set of rules, understanding the rules well is key to getting the most out of using those rules. When you want to grab a creature or wrestle with it, you can use the Attack action to make a special melee attack, a grapple. Very important for martial characters likely to rely on grappling, this means that if you have Extra Attack you can grapple and still make other attacks using the same Attack action.

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Martials may look at casters and be jealous of their wide variety of battlefield control option that casters possess. They can meld earth, throw up walls of fire, and even hypnotize large swathes of enemies. While martials focus more on dishing out damage with a weapon, there are special actions they can use to swing the odds of combat in their favor.

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