6 sınıf ing ders kitabı cevapları
Rachel: Hello. I have a brother.
Buradaki 8. Extreme Activities. Match the phrases with the photos. Listen and check, then say. Match the words with their meanings. Then use your dictionary to check the answers.
6 sınıf ing ders kitabı cevapları
Read the text and answer the questions according to the text. Hunter: Good morning, everybody! Today, we are talking about the breakfast habits of different countries. We have some guests. Here we have a chef from the UK. Hi, Mr. What do the British people have for breakfast? Cook: Hi, Mr. In Britain, we have eggs, sausages, mushrooms and baked beans for breakfast. We also like tea with milk at breakfast. Hunter: Thank you, Mr. Cocinero is giving information about the traditional Spanish breakfast. Cocinero: Spanish people have toast and fruit juice for breakfast. We have different kinds of toasts. Hunter: Thank you, Mrs.
We also like tea with milk at breakfast. They all shed the outer layer of their skin regularly. He can play basketball very well.
Buradaki 8. Match the words with the definitions a-g. Use your dictionaries. Complete the dialogue with the words below. Janet : What are you doing this weekend? Molly : Oh, nothing much. Can you back me up?
Read the text on page again and answer the questions. Where was Deren born? Cevap: He can repair cars. Can Suzan cut and design hair? Cevap: No, she is a tailor. Write about the occupations and birthdates of your family members. Cevap: My father was born on ………14 May ……. My mother was born on
6 sınıf ing ders kitabı cevapları
Listen and put the emotions in order. Listen and circle the correct ones. Complete the sentences as in the example. Timothy thinks fair is confusing.
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Global warming is threatening all living things in the world. Match the words with the definitions a-g. Track 8. Mehmed II was born on 30th March, in Edirne. When there is a storm, eagles get excited and use the wind of the storm to lift themselves higher far above the clouds. It was another record that Hamza Yerlikaya made, because he was the first sportsman who competed in a civil championship as a soldier. I think they are boring. How many guests are there in the programme? He got a job as a technician at the video game maker in Molly : Oh, nothing much. Write A making an invitation , B accepting an invitation or C refusing an invitation in the boxes.
Read and write the names of the cities under the pictures.
I hope to see you there. I am Dr David Russel. Yeah, sounds good. Track Interviewer: I am so sad to hear that. Here we have a chef from the UK. Match the phrases with the photos. Listen and fill in the blanks. I think we should love and protect the animals and nature. Mercury is hotter than the Earth. Share your ideas. In the evenings, I watch TV, listen to music and rest.
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