a ball of radius r falls through oil

A ball of radius r falls through oil

A moving object in a viscous fluid is equivalent to a stationary object in a flowing fluid stream. Flow of the stationary fluid around a moving object may be laminar, turbulent, or a combination of the two.

A small ball of radius 'r' falls freely under gravity through a distance 'h' before entering a tank of water. If after entering the water, the velocity of ball does not change, the 'h' is proportional to. If the terminal velocity of the ball inside water is same as its velocity just befor entering the water surface , then the value of h is proportional to : ignore viscosity of air. If after entering the water the velocity of the ball does not change, find h the viscosity of water is 9. A spherical ball of radius 3. If after entering the water the velocity of the ball does not change, find h.

A ball of radius r falls through oil

A moving object in a viscous fluid is equivalent to a stationary object in a flowing fluid stream. Flow of the stationary fluid around a moving object may be laminar, turbulent, or a combination of the two. Just as with flow in tubes, it is possible to predict when a moving object creates turbulence. Depending on the surface, there can be a turbulent wake behind the object with some laminar flow over its surface. See Figure 1. Laminar flow occurs mostly when the objects in the fluid are small, such as raindrops, pollen, and blood cells in plasma. This value is sufficiently high to imply a turbulent wake. Most large objects, such as airplanes and sailboats, create significant turbulence as they move. As noted before, the Bernoulli principle gives only qualitatively-correct results in such situations. One of the consequences of viscosity is a resistance force called viscous drag F V that is exerted on a moving object. This relationship is a strong dependence and is pertinent to bicycle racing, where even a small headwind causes significantly increased drag on the racer.

The level of oil-air interface rises Select the correct alternatives : Physics- General. Which one of the following affects the efficiency of oil transportation through pipeline?

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A moving object in a viscous fluid is equivalent to a stationary object in a flowing fluid stream. Flow of the stationary fluid around a moving object may be laminar, turbulent, or a combination of the two. Just as with flow in tubes, it is possible to predict when a moving object creates turbulence. Depending on the surface, there can be a turbulent wake behind the object with some laminar flow over its surface. Laminar flow occurs mostly when the objects in the fluid are small, such as raindrops, pollen, and blood cells in plasma. This value is sufficiently high to imply a turbulent wake. Most large objects, such as airplanes and sailboats, create significant turbulence as they move.

A ball of radius r falls through oil

A moving object in a viscous fluid is equivalent to a stationary object in a flowing fluid stream. Flow of the stationary fluid around a moving object may be laminar, turbulent, or a combination of the two. Just as with flow in tubes, it is possible to predict when a moving object creates turbulence. Depending on the surface, there can be a turbulent wake behind the object with some laminar flow over its surface.

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To make it simple, we take a sphere.

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