Abnormal psychology an integrative approach
Balancing biological, psychological, social, and cultural approaches, this book's ground-breaking integrative approach is the most modern, scientifically valid method for studying abnormal psychology. Updated with leading-edge research findings, the eighth edition draws on the expertise of David H. Barlow, V. Mark Durand, and Stefan G.
Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach. David H.
Abnormal psychology an integrative approach
The sixth Canadian edition of Abnormal Psychology continues its groundbreaking integrative approach to delivering the most modern, scientifically valid method for studying abnormal psychology through its balance of biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors. The author team blends sophisticated research and an accessible writing style with the most widely recognized method of discussing psychopathology. Going beyond simply describing different schools of thought on psychological disorders, the authors explore the interactions of the various forces that contribute to psychopathology. Revised to be lighter and easier to comprehend, the conversational writing style and consistent pedagogical elements of this text—as well as integrated case studies 95 percent from the authors' own files and additional study tools—make this the most comprehensive resource on Abnormal Psychology available. Please select an option. David H. View as Instructor. Tell me About Cengage eTextbooks. Add to Cart. Rent Now Add to Cart. More about MindTap. Before purchasing, make sure your instructor assigned this course. More about MindTap What is an ePack? Available Study Tools. ISBN
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Convert currency. Add to Basket. Book Description Softcover. Condition: New. Brand new book. This is an international edition textbook with identical content as the US version and is usually paperback bound instead of hardcover.
Balancing biological, psychological, social, and cultural approaches, this book's ground-breaking integrative approach is the most modern, scientifically valid method for studying abnormal psychology. Updated with leading-edge research findings, the eighth edition draws on the expertise of David H. Barlow, V. Mark Durand, and Stefan G. Hofmann, three internationally recognized experts in clinical psychology. They go beyond simply describing different schools of thought on psychological disorders, exploring the interactions of the various forces that contribute to psychopathology. This comprehensive resource includes integrated case studies 95 percent from the authors' own files and additional study tools. Also available: the MindTap online learning experience, featuring video activities and clips of clients introduced in the book. Please select an option. David H.
Abnormal psychology an integrative approach
Balancing biological, psychological, social, and cultural approaches, David Barlow and V. Mark Durand's groundbreaking integrative approach is the most modern, scientifically valid method for studying abnormal psychology. Going beyond simply describing different schools of thought on psychological disorders, the authors explore the interactions of the various forces that contribute to psychopathology. A conversational writing style, consistent pedagogical elements, integrated case studies 95 percent from the authors' own files , video clips of clients, and additional study tools make this text the most complete learning resource available. For instructors, an Instructor's Resource Manual, Test Bank, and a wide selection of videos are available to use when teaching the course.
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The sixth Canadian edition of Abnormal Psychology continues its groundbreaking integrative approach to delivering the most modern, scientifically valid method for studying abnormal psychology through its balance of biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors. Tell me About Cengage eTextbooks. Mark Durand, and Stefan G. Published by Cengage Learning Barlow books 24 followers. New Copy. Before purchasing, make sure your instructor has assigned this online homework platform. Out of stock. Revised to be lighter and easier to comprehend, the conversational writing style and consistent pedagogical elements of this text—as well as integrated case studies 95 percent from the authors' own files and additional study tools—make this the most comprehensive resource on Abnormal Psychology available. I'm told this is the classic beginners' tome for psychopathology and psychopharmacology; indeed, it's easy to see why Barlow dominates this specialty. Seller Inventory Clean I'm glad that this program is coming to an end. Available Study Tools.
Account Options Ieiet. Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach. David H.
This is an international edition textbook with identical content as the US version and is usually paperback bound instead of hardcover. More about MindTap What is an ePack? The book was well written and flowed nicely. They go beyond simply describing different schools of thought on psychological disorders, exploring the interactions of the various forces that contribute to psychopathology. Barlow is an internationally recognized expert and leader in clinical psychology, having pioneered many treatments and investigations in anxiety and mood disorders. The main takeaway from the book was certainly that disorders generally have genetic and environmental components. Please select an option. Attention is paid to developmental trajectories i. More information specific to the disorders, more focused on symptoms and treatments, the various kinds of causes. It is an informative and absorbing book. Would recommend to those looking for a comprehensive introduction to abnormal psychology and the DSM-V disorders. Mark Durand, and Stefan G.
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