accidental women porn game

Accidental women porn game

I have played a lot of erotic games. While there were many good games out there, none provided the kind of experience I was looking for. Most felt shallow or incomplete. Eventually, I realized that if I wanted a game of the quality I was looking for, I'd have to make accidental women porn game myself.

Developer: ThaumX Consider supporting the dev if you like the game and want them to do what they love. Click on dev's link for more info. Accidental Woman is an interactive fiction life sim game for adults. In the game, you take the role of a recently single and unemployed man who takes the offer of a longtime friend to move to the secluded town of Appletree. Due to an unfortunate accident, you find yourself completely transformed into a woman, and will have to deal with far more than just transitioning to small-town life! Exploring the institute involves happening upon a tentacle monster, a hot sex scene with some unique elements, cumflation, and an after scene that happens once the cumflation is done. Bug Fixes So many.

Accidental women porn game

Sometimes I review games that are so painfully unique; I feel like I have to roll out a red carpet for them. Accidental Woman is one of those porn games that gets under your skin and stays there without having to use any actual nudity to rope you in. Now, you know that if I, Mr. Boob Aficionado, am telling you that a porn game is worth playing even though it has no tits, something weird is going on. For a video game that is more or less entirely textual, this thing has more menu buttons and options than a fucking tax form. You have to read a lot. Then, a year later, every single porn game developer was jumping on the trend like it was going out of style. In this particular game, you also get a friend to accompany you, so that you feel less lost in this large and scary world. I started off playing as a guy, who turned into a girl, which also made my friend a woman, who has a penis. If you want to, you can just skip the whole thing and dive right into the gameplay, but this is absolutely not recommended. The game itself basically begs you not do skip anything, because it knows that there are too many menus for you to learn on your own. You need the gradual breakdown of all the features. As it turns out, you have a ton of menus on the side of the screen, to the left, in the form of an advanced virtual mobile phone. In order to increase immersion, they give you a mobile phone that lets you navigate all the important gameplay stats and information, as if it were all an app. The game is essentially an open world, unless you count the brief sequences during which you have to do something in order to progress the main story.

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Accidental Woman v1. In the game, you take the role of a recently single and unemployed man who takes the offer of a longtime friend to move to the secluded town of Appletree. Due to an unfortunate accident, you find yourself completely transformed into a woman, and will have to deal with far more than just transitioning to small-town life! Exploring the institute involves happening upon a tentacle monster, a hot sex scene with some unique elements, cumflation, and an after scene that happens once the cumflation is done. Bug Fixes So many. This feature takes data and stores it on the HD instead of keeping it in memory when a tab goes inactive or browser loses focus.

I have played a lot of erotic games. While there were many good games out there, none provided the kind of experience I was looking for. Most felt shallow or incomplete. Eventually, I realized that if I wanted a game of the quality I was looking for, I'd have to make it myself. AW is the result. An erotic fictional world to explore. Woven story with the story thread system. Highly detailed non-player character generation. Rich life simulation without the repetitiveness of many recurring tasks.

Accidental women porn game

See the AW website for more information about the game. If you can, support development on Patreon or SubscribeStar! This is the public Git repository for Accidental Woman. It is updated infrequently, and is usually behind the current version of the game and probably the public version too. This repo exists primarily to make it easier for people to view the code behind Accidental Woman. It can also be viewed by opening the game html in a text editor, but that format is rather inconvenient, to say the least! This repo is not intended for collaboration or for players to create the latest build. The private git is used for collaboration, and we don't want transitional builds out in the public because it makes bug tracking and correction more difficult plus we routinely "break" the game while working on systems. Don't even try, honestly.

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Now, you know that if I, Mr. Needs to be expanded with user-friendly getter properties to automatically use relevant values. During your character review after naming your character the images also show. You have to read a lot. Just gotta build this stuff up one paw at a time. Midnight Paradise [v0. I have always wondered whether the screens that tell you not to play if you are under age actually do anything. Overall appearance is nicer, and the disjointed text has been removed. Added option to milk yourself. Split along the expected lines of being inseminated or doing the insemination. Environment story lines, which are different arcs not focused on a specific NPC, such as joining a cult. If you are in a significant relationship with the NPC you will go to the hospital to offer your support. Change Log Words: 2,, 19,, characters Code: , lines of TypeScript Images: 3, Save Compatibility: Large data changes mean older saves are not compatible sorry. Bug Fixes So many. There are 8 primary versions of this notification depending on the circumstances.

Show your support without breaking the bank and help with the development of Accidental Woman.

The fundal height is primarily of concern to players with twin wombs, both of which have large pregnancies, and both of which are close together in time. Dildo does dildo things. Sunday, March 3, Read More. Better functionality, particularly when using character randomization options. If you are the creator of Accidental Woman then please claim copyright to those file sharing service's official DMCA form. It goes a very long way towards immersing you into the action. Tips are probably a bit too high and may need to be nerfed. IQ is a hidden stat, so cannot be seen directly. Exploring the institute involves happening upon a tentacle monster, a hot sex scene with some unique elements, cumflation, and an after scene that happens once the cumflation is done. Normal use works fine, but the tool can cause bugs if misused. The primary purpose is adjusting the semen reserve and feeding the body condition system. I started off playing as a guy, who turned into a girl, which also made my friend a woman, who has a penis. Lily generally suggests the option of becoming completely female, something she usually encourages, depending on the specific scene.

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