acidic nitrogen hydride

Acidic nitrogen hydride

A : H 2 O is the only hydride of chalcogen family which is liquid, acidic nitrogen hydride. R : Acidic nature of hydrides of chalcogen family increases down the group. Which of the following oxides of nitrogen is anhydride of nitric acid?

The correct answer is N 3 H. Thus, the oxidation state of nitrogen in NH 3 is NH 2 OH. Thus, the oxidation state of nitrogen in NH 2 OH is Last updated on Mar 4, Get Started.

Acidic nitrogen hydride

Hydrazoic acid , also known as hydrogen azide , azic acid or azoimide , [2] is a compound with the chemical formula HN 3. It is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen , and is therefore a pnictogen hydride. Hydrazoic acid, like its fellow mineral acids , is soluble in water. The acid is usually formed by acidification of an azide salt like sodium azide. Normally solutions of sodium azide in water contain trace quantities of hydrazoic acid in equilibrium with the azide salt, but introduction of a stronger acid can convert the primary species in solution to hydrazoic acid. The pure acid may be subsequently obtained by fractional distillation as an extremely explosive colorless liquid with an unpleasant smell. Its aqueous solution can also be prepared by treatment of barium azide solution with dilute sulfuric acid , filtering the insoluble barium sulfate. It was originally prepared by the reaction of aqueous hydrazine with nitrous acid :. Other oxidizing agents, such as hydrogen peroxide , nitrosyl chloride , trichloramine or nitric acid , can also be used to produce hydrazoic acid from hydrazine. This reaction is unusual in that it involves compounds with nitrogen in four different oxidation states. In its properties hydrazoic acid shows some analogy to the halogen acids, since it forms poorly soluble in water lead, silver and mercury I salts.

Puducherry Field Assistant. WB Police SI.


Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Nitrogen hydrides, e. Their high-pressure behavior is important because of their abundance in giant planets and because of the hopes of discovering high-energy-density materials. Surprisingly, we found that high pressure stabilizes a series of previously unreported compounds with peculiar structural and electronic properties, such as the N 4 H, N 3 H, N 2 H and NH phases composed of nitrogen backbones, the N 9 H 4 phase containing two-dimensional metallic nitrogen planes and novel N 8 H, NH 2 , N 3 H 7 , NH 4 and NH 5 molecular phases. We found that high-pressure chemistry of hydronitrogens is much more diverse than hydrocarbon chemistry at normal conditions, leading to expectations that N-H-O and N-H-O-S systems under pressure are likely to possess richer chemistry than the known organic chemistry.

Acidic nitrogen hydride

Post a Comment. Search This Blog. Tuesday, July 2, Hydrides of Nitrogen familyth Group:. AsH 3.

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Bhulekh Maharashtra. BIS Technical Assistant. Maharashtra Zilla Parishad Health Supervisor. Bihar Senior Secondary Teacher. Odisha Amin. Indian Airmen Group Y. Bihar Police Prohibition Constable. MH SET. BIS Stenographer. RPSC Programmer. Kerala PSC. Rajasthan Gram Sevak. Bihar Secondary Teacher. Because the higher the positive charge on the molecule , the more likely it is to accept electrons and become acidic. Doping Si or Ge with As or P will produce.

With an accout for my. Although this ion does not exist except in extraordinary conditions, the term hydride is widely applied to describe compounds of hydrogen with other elements , particularly those of groups 1— The variety of compounds formed by hydrogen is vast, arguably greater than that of any other element.

JK Police Constable. Bank of Baroda PO. The decomposition of hydrazoic acid, triggered by shock, friction, spark, etc. Explanation: N 3 H is the formula of hydride of nitrogen that is acidic in nature. Which gas is used for the preparation of soda water? Assam Police Forest Guard. Allahabad High Court Computer Assistant. Delhi Judicial Services. CG Vyapam Sub Engineer. Odisha Police Jail Warder. FCI Stenographer. BPSC Lecturer. WB TET. The most stable pentaoxide is BIS Technical Assistant.

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