alberta premier salary

Alberta premier salary

Members of Edmonton city council are getting automatic pay raises for the second year in a row, and Amarjeet Sohi is among the highest-paid mayors in the country. Salaries are going up 2. Raises were alberta premier salary in a Jan.

Recently, the Alberta government released the most recent Report of Selected Payments. The page report outlines the various payments made to MLAs, including salary, benefits, and expense reimbursements, between 1 April and 31 March I decided to go through the document, extract the data, and import it into a spreadsheet so I could compare amounts. You can see the spreadsheet here. First, here are the totals for the various payment categories for the 87 current MLAs. Fees are the amounts paid for serving on committees. Generally membership in a government committee is unpaid, but committee chairs are paid.

Alberta premier salary

Annual Adjustments: On April 1 of each year, components of Member remuneration shall be increased or decreased by the year-over-year percentage increase or decrease in the Alberta All Items Consumer Price Index published by Statistics Canada for the immediately preceding calendar year. Participation in the MLA Pension Plan was voluntary and a minimum period pensionable service was needed to qualify for a pension. This pension plan closed to new Members in with active participation ending in This was eliminated in when the Retirement Investment Option was introduced. Originally referred to as a Re-establishment Allowance when introduced in July for Members of the Legislative Assembly this was renamed to Transition Allowance in The allowance was calculated based on a formula taking into consideration length of service and member indemnity. Members of Legislative Assembly elected after April 23, are not eligible for a Transition Allowance. Members of the Legislative Assembly do not pay into employment insurance and, as such, do not qualify to receive coverage. Careers Getting Here. Members of the Legislative Assembly. Chamber Seating Plan.

Only 13 MLAs were paid fees. We encountered an issue signing you up. Our website is the place for the latest breaking news, exclusive scoops, longreads and provocative commentary.

An all-party member services committee agreed unanimously Tuesday to cut all elected members pay by five per cent, with an extra five per cent cut to the salary of Premier Jason Kenney. United Conservative members on the committee were encouraged by Kenney to make the cut to fulfill a campaign commitment he made en route to the party winning a majority government in April. Suggesting to cut the pay of politicians a few hundred dollars a month to give them licence to screw over the working people of Alberta is frankly ridiculous. But they suggested that it was not grounded in self-sacrifice but by cynical politics employed by Kenney to give his government cover when they try to legislate pay cuts to public sector workers, likely this fall. Your guide to the world of Canadian politics. Subscriber exclusive on Saturdays. By signing up you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc.

A former legislature member says the world of pay for politicians in Alberta is a topsy-turvy one where Alison Redford is the highest paid premier in Canada but possibly the lowest paid person in her office. It was the first day of a two-week tour by former Supreme Court justice John Major to gather public submissions on how much Alberta legislature members should get paid and who should decide future salary increases. The review was promised by Redford during her campaign last year to lead the Progressive Conservatives in the province and replace outgoing premier Ed Stelmach. Speaker told Major that cabinet ministers and the premier need to make close to what their advisers are getting, but he doubted the public would accept such a steep salary bump. I don't think the public would buy it," he said. That makes it the highest among provinces. Speaker was first elected under the Social Credit banner in the s and continued in public service into the s. He said the strain on politicians — particularly those around the cabinet table — can be tremendous. Politicians have crushing workloads as they try to balance party work with legislature sittings and committee duties, he said. They answer to local political leaders, provincial ones, party bosses and constituents.

Alberta premier salary

A cabinet with 24 members 25 if you count the premier for a Canadian provincial government is arguably excessive, wasteful and inefficient — at exactly 50 per cent of the government caucus in the Legislature, less Ms. By the time the dust settles and Ms. When the last press released has been published, the only UCP MLA still drawing a base salary may be Jennifer Johnson of Lacombe-Ponoka — who will sit as an independent owing to the inopportune timing of the publication of her disgusting poop-cookie hate recipe, but whom everyone will understand is a UCP MLA in everything but name. Readers will recall that when Rachel Notley became premier in , she named 11 additional MLAs to her first cabinet, which was equally balanced between men and women.

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Members of the Legislative Assembly. Participation in the MLA Pension Plan was voluntary and a minimum period pensionable service was needed to qualify for a pension. Create an Account Sign in. Please try again. Search edmontonjournal. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Like Loading She said the contracts should have been posted at the end of December. The Edmonton salaries are comparable to, but slightly higher than, their Calgary counterparts. We tried the best sheets for all kinds of sleepers — many Canadian-made using sustainable methods and materials.

A five per cent drop in MLA salaries took effect Tuesday after the members' services committee passed cuts promised by the United Conservative Party in the lead-up to the April provincial election.

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