

If you can help alderheart with this wiki please alderheart up and help us! Alderheart is a major protagonist in the Warriors book franchise, alderheart. He is the son of Brambleclaw and Squirrelstar and brother of Sparkpeltas well as one of the current medicine cats of ThunderClan. He serves as one of the main protagonists of A Vision of Shadows arc, alderheart, a supporting protagonist in The Broken Code arc and super editions Squirrelflight's Hope and Tigerheart's Shadowa minor character in the super edition Graystripe's Vow and the novella Pebbleshine's Kitsalderheart, and the tritagonist alderheart the novella Daisy's Kin.

Welcome to the Warriors Wiki! Want to edit and see less ads? Consider creating an account! Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the main page , and more. Alderheart is a sturdy [19] dark ginger tom [1] with a white-tipped tail, [20] and amber eyes.


To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support. Become the Master of your own Universe! Toggle Menu. Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild. Go to Humblewood Homepage. Known throughout the region as the "Great Tree City", Alderheart, is a vibrant place and a cultural center, home to thousands of residents, some regional and some from the farthest corners of Everden. The thriving community attracts people from faraway lands, like traveling merchants, explorers, and foreign dignitaries. Citizens of Humblewood who don't live in the city routinely journey there to trade goods, stock up on supplies, engage in artistic endeavors, or simply to catch up on the latest news and gossip. Effectively everyone in Humblewood is connected to Alderheart. Government The Council is not only the leader of Alderheart, but are connected to the laws and rules of the entirety of the Humblewoods. Districts 1. Council Plaza : Where all judicial and government buildings related to the oversight of Alderheart and Humblewood can be found. The Birdfolk Council Chambers, a large domed structure nestled within the branches, can be found. Next to it is the courthouse, a gaol, and the Perch Guard Headquarters.

He also helps Alderheart while the kitten has a seizure, alderheart, when he's told by Shadowkit himself that he was alderheart a vision of himself drowning, and Alderheart is concerned that he kit may have just seen his own death. Toggle Menu. He awakes in the apprentice's den with the strong urge to go out and help SkyClan, believing they're related to the prophecy, alderheart.

Welcome Guest. Please Login or Register. Who do you think will pass first? Jayfeather implied he has a long life ahead of him. However, Alderheart is still young. What do you think they'll die of? I think Jayfeather, if he lives past Alderheart, will die of old age.

Several leaders meet in StarClan, next to the glittering lake. They talk about what comes next for the Clans, and how unprepared they are for the danger ahead. Rowanclaw attends, and Firestar asks why he came, while Blackstar adds that he's no longer a leader. The tom answers that he did it for the good of ShadowClan, and that his Clan must get their territory back. Firestar insists that SkyClan must stay, and Tallstar concurs. The ginger leader continues that the Clans must work together or all fall.


If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Alderheart is a major protagonist in the Warriors book franchise. He is the son of Brambleclaw and Squirrelstar and brother of Sparkpelt , as well as one of the current medicine cats of ThunderClan. He serves as one of the main protagonists of A Vision of Shadows arc, a supporting protagonist in The Broken Code arc and super editions Squirrelflight's Hope and Tigerheart's Shadow , a minor character in the super edition Graystripe's Vow and the novella Pebbleshine's Kits , and the tritagonist of the novella Daisy's Kin. Alderkit is born to Squirrelflight and Bramblestar alongside Sparkkit, Juniperkit and Dandelionkit, however Juniperkit dies soon after being born and Dandelionkit dies two moons later. Jayfeather receives a vision of Alderkit, though doesn't recognize him as the kit is facing away from the group before running off, though Jayfeather sees his white tipped tail and notices he carries the scent of ThunderClan.

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Alderheart on the cover of The Apprentice's Quest. The two toms are worried about Dawnpelt, believing Darktail may have imprisoned or killed her. He then finds a few spare watermint plants growing by a stream and gathers them up. Alderpaw helped raise Twigkit, even taking her to visit Violetkit, who was claimed by ShadowClan. I'm not really a medicine cat. Before Sedgewhisker can speak however, Leaftail claims that it's a trick. The ginger tom visits StarClan in his dreams, where he finds the recently deceased Graystripe reuniting with Briarlight and Millie. How much devastation would Darktail have caused if none of his followers had questioned him? Alderheart and the RiverClan medicine cat Mothwing go to the lake, with the former hoping they won't be caught by a patrol to be interrogated. The two medicine cats are able to escape RiverClan with the prisoners in tow, bringing them to take shelter in ThunderClan with the rest of their Clanmates. While trying to cross a river, the current sweeps away Needlepaw and Alderpaw, who plunge down a waterfall and are separated from the others. The visitor informs them that their houses are safe to return to now, and the ginger medicine cat is disappointed that velvet has to leave. Moons later, just before their apprentice ceremonies, Alderkit worries if there's an assessment he must take before he can start his training. He goes back for them, having to force Jayfeather out as the blind gray tom refuses to leave his herbs.

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The gathered cats all agree to tell their leaders to meet and discuss a peaceful solution. Writing a Good Prophecy on the Warriors official website backup link Mentioned only Wander the world on the Warriors official website backup link Mentioned only True warriors? Alderpaw tells the others the truth about SkyClan, and Molewhisker tells him that they'll do whatever they can to find them. The now recovered Puddleshine says that he can't believe that their leaders didn't listen to their warnings, which Alderheart also agrees with. When a ThunderClan patrol finds an injured Sister named Sunrise and bring her back to camp to heal her, Alderheart rushes out of the medicine den to examine her. Bramblestar then tells him that he must become a medicine cat apprentice, as Leafpool and Jayfeather have been given a vision of his destiny. She then adds that WindClan let Mistystar and her patrol through yesterday, to Alderheart's astonishment. As they turn around and head back, Alderpaw says that it's probably a good thing they didn't get caught as well, or they would've been in trouble too. This is the best place to find criminal contacts within the city, as well as fences who can help characters sell restricted goods or purchase them at a heavily inflated price. They then follow a stream to a group of cat they mistake for SkyClan, though soon find out from a real SkyClan cat Mistfeather - who was driven out of her home by the group - that they're a bunch of rouges calling themselves The Kin, lead by the bloodthirsty Darktail. Twigpaw completes her warrior assessment, and she and Finpaw earns the names Twigbranch and Finleap. The young tom then glances up at his grandmother Sandstorm, who is looking at him and his sister lovingly. He knew he shouldn't like Needlepaw as much as he did.

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