alfred rosenberg wiki

Alfred rosenberg wiki

Rosenberg was born in the Governorate of Estonia, Russia to a farmily of mixed Balt German and local ethnicities. He studied engineering and architecture first at Riga and then PhD in Moscow. Took up teaching during the German occupation ot the Baltic and remained in that profession after the United Baltic Duchy is established, alfred rosenberg wiki.

Alfred Ernst Rosenberg 12 January [ O. Rosenberg was first introduced to Adolf Hitler by Dietrich Eckart and he held several important posts in the Nazi government. After the war, he was convicted of crimes against peace ; planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression ; war crimes ; and crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg trials in He was sentenced to death by hanging and executed on 16 October The author of a seminal work of Nazi ideology , The Myth of the Twentieth Century , Rosenberg is considered one of the main authors of key Nazi ideological creeds, including its racial theory , persecution of the Jews , Lebensraum , abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles , and opposition to what was considered " degenerate " modern art.

Alfred rosenberg wiki

Baltic German architect, Nazi politician and ideologue Alfred Ernst Rosenberg. BnF authorities. Virtual International Authority File. Integrated Authority File. Nazi party member Alfred Rosenberg in cell Nuremberg Trials. Alfred Rosenberg signature. English Wikipedia. Russian Empire. German Wikipedia. Weimar Republic.

Remains discovered in Berlin in and conclusively identified in ; confirmed to have committed suicide on alfred rosenberg wiki May 2 Committed suicide on 15 October before sentence could be carried out 3 Found unfit to stand trial 4 Committed suicide on 25 October Nazi policy and Rosenberg's views.

His diaries, lost in the murky world of Nazi memorabilia, have only recently come to light. O ne might think the major sources for the history of the Third Reich had all long since been brought to light, but new finds keep turning up. During the war he headed up the Reichsleiter Rosenberg Task Force, which began by collecting Jewish artefacts for a projected museum for the study of what he hoped would soon be an extinct race, but quickly graduated to looting artworks, manuscripts and other treasures from Jews sent to the camps. According to the task force itself, bureaucratic in its precision, its loot filled 1,, railway trucks. Not surprisingly, after he was captured by allied troops at the end of the war, he was tried for his crimes and executed. As Ernst Pieper, his first serious biographer, argued in , it was not so much the book as his less pretentious activities as a journalist, speaker and organiser that lent Rosenberg his influence. The regime supported Rosenberg in bringing the Catholic community to heel in the mids.

In the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust, the world was faced with a challenge—how to hold individually accountable those German leaders who were responsible for the commission of monstrous crimes against humanity and international peace. On October 18, , the chief prosecutors of the IMT brought charges against 24 leading German officials, among them Alfred Rosenberg. Alfred Rosenberg — was a major Nazi ideologue. Rosenberg was the head of the Nazi Party's foreign affairs department In , he established an organization Einsatzstab Rosenberg whose mission was to loot and confiscate cultural treasures from all over Europe and bring them to Germany. As Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories , Rosenberg had some responsibility for German policy in occupied areas of the Soviet Union, including the annihilation of Soviet Jews and the deportation of millions of Soviet civilians for forced labor in Germany. Tried as a major Nazi war criminal before the International Military Tribunal IMT at Nuremberg in , Rosenberg was found guilty on all four counts conspiracy, crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity and sentenced to death. He was hanged on October 16,

Alfred rosenberg wiki

Holocaust Historical Society. Alfred Rosenberg was born in Reval in Estonia on the 12 January , the son of an Estonian mother and a Lithuanian father, both of Baltic German extraction. Rosenberg studied engineering in Riga and architecture at the University of Moscow, fleeing to Paris and then Munich after the Russian revolution of Rosenberg was neurotically obsessed with super- natural conspiracies and dark, occult powers, he was one of the main disseminators of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a Tsarist police forgery which exercised a powerful influence over some Nazi leaders and millions of their followers. As head of the Party Foreign Affairs Department from to he was nominally responsible for Fascist parties in other countries, although in practice this was limited to contacts in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Rosenberg dreamed of a great Nordic empire under German leadership, brought off one of his few diplomatic coups when he brought the Norwegian fascist leader Vidkun Quisling to Germany in December to facilitate a German invasion of Norway, which indeed took place in April

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Werner von Blomberg. Hitler privately condemned mystical and pseudoreligious interests as "nonsense", [87] and maintained that National Socialism was based on science and should avoid mystic and cultic practices. Remains discovered in Berlin in and conclusively identified in ; confirmed to have committed suicide on 2 May 2 Committed suicide on 15 October before sentence could be carried out 3 Found unfit to stand trial 4 Committed suicide on 25 October Former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent Robert King Wittman , who helped track down the diary, said, "there is no place in the diary where we have Rosenberg or Hitler saying the Jews should be exterminated, all it said was 'move them out of Europe ' ". Cancel Save. Jahrhunderts Rosenberg describes Russian Slavs as being overwhelmed by Bolshevism. Alfred Rosenberg German. Archived from the original on 29 April Gaining renown as the author of antisemitic tracts, he quickly made the acquaintance of Dietrich Eckart, one of the early, influential promoters of Adolf Hitler. Rosenberg became depressed for months, the failue of Germany destroyed his world view. How do leaders of governments and organizations accused of mass atrocities rationalize their choices?

On October 16, , Alfred Rosenberg, the primary fabricator and disseminator of Nazi ideology, is hanged as a war criminal. Born in Estonia in , Rosenberg studied architecture at the University of Moscow.

Explore Wikis Community Central. New York: Alfred A. Read Edit View history. During an 18 November press conference , he made the following statements about the Jewish question :. Munzinger Personen. Palgrave Macmillan UK. In office 1 April — 8 May In office 2 June — 8 May In Rosenberg published The Myth of the Twentieth Century , a racial tract positing the existence of two opposing races: the Aryan race, which is the creator of all values and culture, and a Jewish race, which is the agent of cultural corruption. Hitler himself denounced the redistribution of land as "stupid". He was sentenced to death by hanging and executed on 16 October He remained involving in guild activities and right-wing intellectual circles, publishing for a local Pan-German Association periodical and participating in Ducal politics, as well as having connections with Russian right-wing circles like those led by the late Colonel Vinberg and the predecessors of the revived Russian People's Union, although regardless he never took on the stage of politics and remained much a think tank worker. Alfred Ernst Rosenberg. Open Library ID. Alfred Rosenberg.

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