Alissa takı
MFA, Painting. Studied with Grace Hartigan and Salvatore Scarpitta. Curator: A. Curator: S.
Each prompt in Journal your Christmas includes not just my pages, but also pages participants have made during Christmases past. Part of the fun is going back through all the previously posted albums to see which pages make great examples each day. But I also wanted to share a few albums you can look through online. I love how each is unique to the style of the scrapper who created it. The album above is by Kristina Nicolai-White, who many of you will know as Pea1 — she and her husband founded Two Peas in a Bucket more than ten years ago.
Alissa takı
Curator, National Gallery. Curator: T. There are some outstanding greeting card on this site.
In July, Mike Turney was cleared after being charged with the murder of his stepdaughter, Alissa — 22 years after the high school junior vanished. Now, James is speaking out about the often misunderstood type of abuse, known as coercive control, that he said Alissa suffered for years — allegations that include intimidation, surveillance and psychological abuse. James pointed to countries like Scotland, where coercive control has been codified in criminal law and the country has provided judicial training and support for victims, as a model of reform for the United States. Lawmakers in a handful of states, including California and Connecticut, have enacted laws in recent years allowing victims to cite the abuse in civil matters, including petitions for protection orders. In Hawaii, the abuse is a misdemeanor. Mike has not been charged with any crimes in connection to the abuse and coercive control allegations. Mike also said things that seemed far more cruel. He had recording systems inside his suburban Phoenix home that captured phone calls as well as video — a camera was tucked inside an air conditioning vent in the living room — and audio tapes recovered by authorities captured him making disparaging comments about Alissa and using expletives to describe her. He said he initially filmed Alissa at her job because she asked him to — he said she wanted to be recorded at her first job — and he later did so because he believed she was giving her phone number to men at the drive-thru. Mike said he placed the camera inside the air-conditioning vent because someone had tried to break in when his children were home alone.
Alissa takı
A judge ruled Friday that the man accused of killing 10 people at a Colorado supermarket in a rampage is mentally competent to stand trial. The decision allows the prosecution of Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa to move forward. Judge Ingrid Bakke ruled that Alissa, who has schizophrenia, is able to understand court proceedings and contribute to his own defense. Bakke presided over a hearing last week to consider an August determination by experts at a state mental hospital that Alissa was competent after previous evaluations found otherwise. An attorney for Alissa asked for the hearing to debate the finding. Bakke noted that in the August evaluation, Alissa answered questions about the day of the shooting and the offenses alleged against him. Alissa, 24, is charged with murder and multiple attempted murder counts after the shooting spree on March 22, , in a crowded King Soopers Store in Boulder, about 30 miles 50 kilometers northwest of Denver. Alissa has not yet been asked to enter a plea.
Thanks for improving my knowledge by sharing this post with us. Jen also designed the numbers I used on my pages last year, and I had a few left over so I used a big 25 on the cover of my album this year. Part of the fun is going back through all the previously posted albums to see which pages make great examples each day. I love how each is unique to the style of the scrapper who created it. You can see all three albums on her blog — start here with Kesisoglou Florina, Macedonia, N. Y, NY. Karakantza Hellenic Open University , M. Curator: Maria Marangkou. Official desk diary of U. Kristina used a ton of different products but focused on a few types to make it all work together: letter stickers, labels and patterned papers cut into circles. Studied with Grace Hartigan and Salvatore Scarpitta. You can find it here. Curator: T. Her stamped trees are some of my favourite page numbers to date and I marvel at the way she embossed this snowflake.
Thanks for sharing it. Alumni, if your album is online, post a link in the comments of this post to share it. I love, love, love it. Curator: D. Curator: A. I love how each is unique to the style of the scrapper who created it. Studied with Grace Hartigan and Salvatore Scarpitta. Epsilon Delta Chapter faculty representative to the National Competition. Van Dyke. Juror: Nancy Sausser. Artist Interview.
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