Almanca arbeitsbuch cevapları 10 sınıf

Prestij Kalem.

Second: İkinci 2. Location: Konum Bank: Banka Map: Harita merkezi 6. Sit: Oturmak 7. Sometimes: Bazen 8. Bread: Ekmek

Almanca arbeitsbuch cevapları 10 sınıf


It is on Great Street. Louis: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus stop? C III.


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Almanca arbeitsbuch cevapları 10 sınıf

Wer mag was? Kim neyi seviyor? Schauen Sie sich die Bilder an, recherchieren und schreiben Sie die Sammlungsarten. Bernd: Anja, spielst du Sport? Anja: Ja, ich laufe oft im Freizeitpark und fahre Fahrrad. Und was machst du? Bernd: Ich spiele zweimal in der Woche Tennis. Samstags und sonntags. Treibst du auch Tennis? Anja: Nein, aber ich spiele gern Volleyball.

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Good Books 1. How much is bread at the bakery Hello! Hospital: Hastane Hastane d. Look at the pictures and answer the question. Building: Bina Express Publishing 2. You wait for a bus here. I love living here. Classical Comics 2.


Unit 1 Chase Document 16 pages. Is there a problem c. I am at the library b. Saray c. What is Scribd? Berber a. Go straight ahead Bond Street and take the second left. Ted: Okay. Andersen Press 1. It is next to the restaurant opposite the bakery. It is at two p. The children are going straight ahead. Carousel Previous.

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