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Find out how to know who the owner of a file or folder is. Not using Dropbox yet? See how Dropbox makes file recovery and history easy. Follow the instructions below to delete a file or folder from your Dropbox account on dropbox. Deleted files or folders can be restored within a certain window of time , depending on your Dropbox plan.

Amateur voyeur dropbox

You can download files and folders to your computer from your Dropbox account on dropbox. When you download a file or folder from your Dropbox account, you download a separate local copy of that file. When you edit files in the Dropbox desktop app , Dropbox mobile app , or on dropbox. Learn more about syncing files with Dropbox. When you download large files, folders, or collections of multiple items from your Dropbox account, you may receive a warning that the download will take a long time, based on your current internet speed. In these instances, it can be better to download fewer items at a time, to reduce the strain on your network and avoid needing to restart the process if your connection is interrupted. Alternatively, you can change the settings in the desktop app to allow Dropbox to use more bandwidth when syncing files. Let us know how we can improve. Thanks for your feedback! Let us know how this article helped.

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This article answers frequently asked questions about Dropbox Backup.

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