amelia ressler video original

Amelia ressler video original

Original story at DailyMail. Amelia Ressler, 30, was arrested on 19 counts of child molestation on Friday. The Georgia substitute teacher allegedly filmed herself masturbating in front of a second-grade class on January

Carroll County Jail Amelia Ressler is a Georgia substitute teacher accused of filming a lewd video in front of a class full of elementary school students. Amelia Ressler is a Georgia woman accused of 19 counts of child molestation after police say she filmed herself masturbating in front of a class of elementary school students while working as a substitute teacher. Ressler was a substitute teacher at Mt. Ressler was seen on video touching herself inappropriately in front of a second-grade class, Carroll County communication director Ashley Hulsey told CBS The class was being held in person, not over Zoom or on another video platform, police said. She said someone in the community saw the video and reported it to authorities.

Amelia ressler video original


Amelia was not only stuck in her past, but her hand was also stuck between her legs in front of minors. Ressler's charges could be upgraded as the investigation continues. Feb 19, 4 min read.


A substitute teacher accused of 19 counts of child molestation makes first appearance in Carroll County. Authorities charged Amelia Ressler, 30, with counts of child molestation after she allegedly video-recorded herself performing a sex act in front of a classroom of elementary students. The hearing for Ressler was fairly standard except for one request by the magistrate judge. Meanwhile, investigators tell FOX 5 that they will interview all 19 children who were in the classroom when Ressler allegedly video recorded herself. Amelia Ressler, 30, has been charged with 19 counts of child molestation. She is accused of performing a sex act on herself, video recording it, and then sharing it, all of it with students in the room. Investigators say there were 19 second-graders in the class.

Amelia ressler video original

On February 5, staff at Mt. Zion Elementary School notified county authorities about allegations involving a substitute teacher. Investigators discovered that year-old Amelia Ressler was engaging in sexual acts around school-aged kids and was subsequently arrested on 19 counts of child molestation. Now, deputies say that their ongoing investigation has led to the arrest of Ressler's boyfriend, year-old Brent Matthew Vadovsky.

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If you were all those things, you wouldn't need to tell anyone or pound it into their heads like how you pounded your mitten into your pussy. Once married, now divorced and the father now has custody of the kids. Again, who hired this unstable street hooker? More about Tom Cleary. She said someone in the community saw the video and reported it to authorities. Amelia Ressler is a Georgia woman accused of 19 counts of child molestation after police say she filmed herself masturbating in front of a class of elementary school students while working as a substitute teacher. Usually not a good sign. Judging by the angle of these selfies, I'd say we are dealing with secret fatty. Amelia looks like she belongs to the streets of Columbia in some of her pictures; her style is akin to what the hookers at truck stops usually wear. If these are the best you can submit, Amelia, we are going to have to air on the side of caution and say you are probably overweight, given the use of the top-down angle technique. The camo, the trucker hats and the affinity for retro. After pumping a cock into her mouth, she'd probably pump your gas too. Ressler was a substitute teacher at Mt.

A substitute teacher filmed herself masturbating in a classroom filled with seven and eight year-old children, it is claimed.

Pinterest Amelia Ressler. Everything she said is the exact opposite. Amelia was just showing off and didn't want to go for greatness. Post not marked as liked. Tom is based in Connecticut and started his career working in local newspapers. I practice kindness and forgiveness. She said someone in the community saw the video and reported it to authorities. Authorities have the pictures and videos as evidence. Amelia demonstrates the epidemy of the modern go-gurl: Greedy, selfish, and never considering other people. Another screenshot shows what appears to be her hand in a mitten between her legs. I make mistakes and I own them and learn from them. Zion High School in Remember, if you have to keep telling the world lies, it still isn't the truth.

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