american pie imdb

American pie imdb

Four teenage boys enter a pact to lose their virginity by prom american pie imdb. Michelle : Oh, and this one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute in my pussy. Jim : [spits out drink] Excuse me?

Jim and his friends are now in college, and they decide to meet up at the beach house for some fun. Stifler : Oh, yeah. The Stifmeister's coming back to Grand Harbor. Deck the halls. Bye-bye, Great Falls. Wipe my ass and lick my balls. It's Stifler time, baby.

American pie imdb

Kevin : [] Were we just as obnoxious as these kids back in the day? Finch : Not us, our generation, we were more mature. Steve Stifler : Check it out vagina shark. Finch : I take that back. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. American Reunion R 1h 53m. Play trailer Directors Jon Hurwitz Hayden Schlossberg. See production info at IMDbPro. Videos Trailer

Did you know Edit. Paul Weitz Chris Weitz uncredited. Top cast Edit.

Sign In. Edit American Pie Directed by Paul Weitz Jim Jennifer Coolidge Stifler's Mom Shannon Elizabeth

At a high-school party, four friends find that losing their collective virginity isn't as easy as they had thought. But they still believe that they need to do so before college. To motivate themselves, they enter a pact to all "score" by their senior prom. View More. Ahh how it all started. I was a teen boy growing up when this movie came out. I related to this movie in so many ways.

American pie imdb

R 95 min Comedy. R min Comedy. Jim and his friends are now in college, and they decide to meet up at the beach house for some fun. Director: J. R 96 min Comedy. It's the wedding of Jim and Michelle and the gathering of their families and friends, including Jim's old friends from high school and Michelle's little sister. R 87 min Comedy. Matt Stifler wants to be just like his big bro, making porn movies and having a good time in college. After sabotaging the school band, he gets sent to band camp where he really doesn't like it at first but then learns how to deal with the bandeez.

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By what name was American Pie officially released in Canada in English? Newhouse Enrico Paronelli Top cast Edit. And if this film makes the box office it deserves, we may just get invited back to the party one more time. Other Lists by kingryanlife Director: J. Adam Herz David H. Top cast Edit. Starks Sep 7, Vocal Jazz Group Akuyoe Graham Jim Jason Biggs still has his sexual hang-ups. Sign In Sign In. Joshua Mele Lacrosse Player.

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Edit page. Walter Toole Lacrosse Player. Chris Owen Sherman. When kids graduate high school, they think they know it all. Kevin Tidgewell Lacrosse Player. R 85 min Comedy. Kashika's 5 Picks for February. Bathroom Girl. Lacrosse Player Peter McPartlin Finally a huge ovation for Eugene Levy, who gets major laughs as the Jim's dad.

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