Amx 13 hot

By SchindibeeMay 13, in Light Vehicles. I'm currently grinding the french tree, and while I have a lot of fun at BR8.

It was designed to replace the older SS. It has become one of the most successful missiles in its class, with tens of thousands of missiles manufactured, utilized by more than a dozen countries throughout the world, and deployed in several wars. Introduced in Update 1. This light tank is exceptionally fast and agile, but it does it at the expense of its armour. As a result, despite being a light tank with a powerful main gun, it struggles to penetrate most adversaries in combat. It is recommended that it be used as a long-range tank destroyer, with its superior ATGMs picking off enemies over great distances. The primary armament should be used only when the enemy is revealing its sides without paying attention.

Amx 13 hot

The AMX is a French light tank produced from to The tank was designed at the Atelier de Construction d'Issy-les-Moulineaux AMX in to meet a requirement for an air-portable vehicle to support paratroopers. The first prototype ran from The compact chassis had torsion bar suspension with five road-wheels and two return rollers; the engine runs the length of the tank on the right side, with the driver on the left. It features an uncommon two-part FL oscillating turret , where the gun is fixed to the turret and the entire upper turret changes elevation. The turret is set to the rear of the vehicle and holds the commander and gunner. The original 75 mm SA 50 gun was loaded by an automatic loading system fed by two six-round magazines located in on either side of the automatic loader in the turret's bustle. The 12 rounds available in the drum magazines meant that the crew could engage targets quickly; however, once those rounds were expended, the vehicle commander and gunner could either manually refill them from within the turret or retreat to cover and reload shells from outside the vehicle through hatches above. Although there were many variants on the turret, the basic chassis was almost unchanged until , when changes including a new diesel engine , fully automatic transmission and new hydropneumatic suspension were introduced. Production halted with the AMX Model

I'd say it's not worth it, to compare it to the begleit : i would say the begleit is all around superior, the autocanon quickly take out barrels, and can be spammed, while the 75 despite being fast firing is nowhere near as convenient. Using your speed, you are amx 13 hot to flank the enemy as you are able to cross the map side to side with relative ease and speed, amx 13 hot.


Are you tempted to develop the French tank tree? Do you hesitate to buy a French premium tank? Hence, I would like to share with you my assessment of these tanks in different BR ranges using Arcade BR; but I mention Realistic BR, when different , along with a few historical facts… and even some pronunciation advice! You can watch many gameplays with French tanks in the BR range 3. There, I have also posted a brief review of the French tech tree in English and in French. Grind the BR 1. But seriously, who goes back to BR 1. Yet, thanks to one of my bug reports more than a dozen of them helped improve French tanks so far; see below , most of these BR 1.

Amx 13 hot

In addition, the AMX hull was used with other turrets in limited numbers. It was a very unique vehicle and a very popular export vehicle for the French arms industry. It was the first tank of many to use an automatic loader for the main gun. Part 2, the upper hull osculates on a central point large pin one either side attached to part 1 as marked as a red cirle in the picture. The main gun is fixed to Part 2 and relys on the osculating of Part 2 to elevate and depress it. Picture belows shows Part 2 osculated and the main gun elevated.

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The drive sprockets were in the front, return rollers in the back, and there were five road wheels and four return rollers. When facing Russian tanks, always try to get side shots. The suspension was of the torsion bar type. Archived from the original PDF on 9 June For other versions, see AMX Family. The third, finally, assaulted the Golan Heights in south-western Syria. The speed does not depend on the skills of the loader. I actually ground through the whole tier IV before with the French Panther FNCV in French. Have fun

The tank was designed in by the Atelier de Construction d'Issy-les-Moulineaux AMX to meet a request for an armoured vehicle that could be air-dropped to support paratroopers.

Be aware of your zoom sights as the AMX lacks potent zoom. I'd expect it to be similar to the Begleitpanzer 57, with a less versatile gun. Though I should caveat that by pointing out that, since the "ATGM tracking" update following the sight crosshair instead of the cursor which makes no sense but whatever you run a pretty good chance of plonking them in the ground. That would be mighty usefull, and we could also ask for the second radar that the german roland has, but for some reason didn't make it to the french one. French Roland is plain worse, because it somehow has only half the elevation. If he ends up firing and killing you, oh well. The suspension was of the torsion bar type. Archived from the original PDF on I didn't mean the whole tier as in every tank of the tier, but in barren trees such as the french or japanese one, you sometime end up needing all vehicles of a tier to progress, and you have to plan your grind to not end up stuck and goin back a whole line that you neglected at first. In the 's, the AMX entered service. Research: 81 While you can usually spot, destroy, and retreat from a raketen, or anything firing HOT at you from beyond 1. This section is about operators of the AMX light tank and its engineering and recovery variants. Retrieved Senior commanders considered that off-road conditions in the Falkland Islands were too boggy for all of the armoured vehicles available at the time.

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