anand arnold wife

Anand arnold wife

At the age of 15, my legs stopped functioning because of the effects of cancer. I had to wait three years after my cancer treatment to begin bodybuilding. Now I am 25, and I continue working out, anand arnold wife.

I am Arnold from Ludhiana, Punjab, and I come from a family with a sports background. Looking up to my brother, I also decided to follow in his footsteps. In fact, I turned it into an advantage. I decided to share everything with Bright Side so that I can reach more people, in hopes that reading my life story and sharing how my dreams came true will be a source of motivation. I was 11 years old when I started bodybuilding.

Anand arnold wife


After a few years, I won Mr.


It's only his determination and passion that helped him become 'India's First Wheelchair Bodybuilder' after suffering from a life threatening spinal cancer at the age of Anand found his passion for bodybuilding when he was 13 and won his first title in the same year. But two years later he was diagnosed with cancer. He had to undergo immediate surgery to save his life which left him paralyised from neck down with only his hands having some mobility. His family stuck by him and helped him to a tough phase. Anand decided that he will not be defeated by his condition and started training yet again; all the while being confined to his wheelchair. He was already weakened by his treatment and even chances of him ever standing straight were negligible.

Anand arnold wife

Arriving in Anand Arnold's hometown Ludhiana, I called him for directions. Given his condition, I expected him to give me directions over the phone but I was baffled when I heard the ease with which Arnold assured me and said, "Don't worry, stay where you are, I'll come and get you. This was my first interaction with Arnold, who is paralysed from the waist down, and I instantly grasped the fact that Arnold was not one to let his disability define him.

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View event Wheelchair Olympia. At the age of 15, my legs stopped functioning because of the effects of cancer. I got even more motivated when I won my first District level competition at the age of 13 and I continued going to the gym for one more year. How did you go about doing it? Arnold Schwarzenegger Do you have any suggestions or tips for others? Olympia, and plus 2nd place. I started to win one competition after another. But, life goes on. View event Photoshoot by Darren Burns. After 2 years, I realized I had no more money for competitions, traveling, and all of the other expenses. I was 11 years old when I started bodybuilding. Girls stuff 2 years ago.

Anand was born in [2] in London, England , to Punjabi parents who migrated to India shortly after the partition of India and then, later, to the UK.

I also represented India in Canada and won competitions there. And again, after 3 months I got my full packs. It was a really unpleasant experience. Comments Get notifications. But, after a few months, my friend pushed me to go to the gym. Since after my spinal cord operation, I could not stand or walk. People 5 months ago. Curiosities 2 years ago. Then after a few days, when my family took me home, everything changed. What motivates you?

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