Andy cohen nude

The Bravo host partners with EltaMD for a naked photo shoot to remind everyone to get checked for skin cancer. Andy Cohen has something to get off his chest: His shirt! But it's for a good cause, andy cohen nude, as the Watch What Happens Live!

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. Andy Cohen recreated a nude photo shoot from three decades ago — all to raise awareness for skin health. Cohen shared that the dermatologist-recommended brand will donate a bottle of sunscreen to the Cure Melanoma Foundation for each tag in the comments section over the next 30 days. The Bravo executive put his chiseled body on full display as he posed sans clothing atop a building and gazed dreamily into the New York City skyline. On Tuesday, Cohen teased the skincare campaign by posting the sensual throwback photo to his Instagram Story. Cohen looked in tip-top shape with his bulging arm muscles on full display and his chiseled abs flexed for the camera.

Andy cohen nude

By Lillian Gissen For Dailymail. Andy Cohen joked that he and longtime friend Anderson Cooper would 'have good threesomes' - as he stripped down and posed naked for a new skincare campaign. The Watch What Happens Live host, 54, sat down with Sherri Shepherd on her daytime talk show this week to promote his new book The Daddy Diaries - and he got very candid about his very-tight bond with Anderson, It all started when the 'very single' father-of-two joked that he and Sherri, 56, should date. Andy Cohen joked that he and longtime friend Anderson Cooper would 'have good threesomes' - as he stripped down and posed naked for a new skincare campaign seen. The host, 54, sat down with Sherri Shepherd on her daytime talk show this week - and he got real about his very-tight bond with Anderson seen together in , However, after he admitted that he 'would not fulfill her sexually,' which could pose as a 'problem,' she said that they'd have to start having 'threesomes. She then suggested that Anderson join them, before adding, 'I can't handle both of you. Immediately, the whole audience erupted into cheers and laughter, but he quickly clarified that he and Anderson are like 'brothers. The two TV stars have been close for years now , after connecting in the early s when they were set up on a blind date by mutual friends. While the meet-up never happened - Anderson later explained that they spoke on the phone beforehand and he decided he wasn't interested in Andy romantically - the two ended up forging a strong friendship. They went on to work alongside each other on numerous occasions - embarking on multiple stage tours across the globe and co-hosting CNN's New Year's Eve Live since However, after he admitted that he 'would not fulfill her sexually,' which could pose as a 'problem,' she said that they'd have to start having 'threesomes'.

Cohen is a skin cancer survivor, andy cohen nude, who was diagnosed with a melanoma in after pal Kelly Ripa noticed a black dot on his lip and told him to see a dermatologist. Cohen later confirmed that he and Parker were already longtime friends when he acted alongside her in the HBO show.

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. In the original black and white photo, a nude Cohen is sitting between the paws of one of the New York Public Library lions with long, luxurious, curly locks and a hairy chest. The new photo shows a modern Cohen, still looking great, sitting his naked butt on a New York City rooftop. See on Instagram. Download the Advocate Channel App for your mobile phone and your favorite streaming device! Mey Rude is a journalist and cultural critic who has been covering queer news for a decade.

On top of that, he's the host of the long-running late night show Watch What Happens Live! Cohen is an eligible bachelor who is often being hit on while taking caller questions on WWHL , and smart money says more of this treatment is coming after his recent nude photo. He bore it all for a great cause: Skin Cancer Awareness Month. He's encouraging folks to use sunscreen and get their yearly screening from a dermatologist, although he inspired plenty of thirsty comments in the process. You can check out Cohen's Instagram post below:. A post shared by Andy Cohen bravoandy.

Andy cohen nude

Subscribe to our newsletter for your front-row seat to all things entertainment with a sprinkle of everything else queer. Listen to the full interview HERE. We can't rely on mainstream media to tell our stories. That's why we don't lock Queerty articles behind a paywall. Will you support our mission with a contribution today? I think you win the prize for being the most ageist duchebag on the internet. What would you expect from some fool who capitalizes ever other letter in their name like a teenage girl from the turn of the century! Now he wants to inflict himself on a lesbian from Canada.

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Comedian returns to the stage after health scare forced him to cancel two shows Vanderpump Rules star Lala Kent flaunts her growing baby bump in a gray dress after falling pregnant via a sperm donor: 'She's mothering! And while Cohen pointed out that "The lip heals very well," he admitted "I really had a chunk removed out of it" due to the melanoma. The Werkroom's artistic rebellion transforms pop culture icons into queer fantasies March 07 PM. The new photo shows a modern Cohen, still looking great, sitting his naked butt on a New York City rooftop. Watch Next. But it's for a good cause, as the Watch What Happens Live! Fashion gallery. Andy Cohen photography celebs. Bing Site Web Enter search term: Search. It all started when the 'very single' father-of-two joked that he and Sherri, 56, should date.

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. In the original black and white photo, a nude Cohen is sitting between the paws of one of the New York Public Library lions with long, luxurious, curly locks and a hairy chest. The new photo shows a modern Cohen, still looking great, sitting his naked butt on a New York City rooftop.

So can I get my money back? If you knew what I know, you'd be terrified too. Princess Beatrice champions one of Kate Middleton's favourite causes: Royal attends student mental health From our Sponsors. Spencer Tunick. You may accept or manage your choices by clicking below, including your right to object where legitimate interest is used, or at any time in the privacy policy page. March 07 AM. Latest Stories. Thirty years ago, Cohen teamed up with photographer Spencer Tunick for a spicy photoshoot outside the New York Public Library, where the TV host, then with a mane of hair, posed nude beneath the iconic lion. The Bravo host posted the photos to Instagram, writing, "Thirty years ago, I posed for photographer spencertunick swipe for that image. I want you to get a mom. People Editorial Guidelines. She then suggested that Anderson join them, before adding, 'I can't handle both of you. Andy Cohen joked that he and longtime friend Anderson Cooper would 'have good threesomes' - as he stripped down and posed naked for a new skincare campaign.

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