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Now that they've mostly recovered from the twisted mind maze that was the original Annoy-a-tron, send them on a new journey of "self discovery" with the latest version featuring 6 sound choices, it's at least twice as fun and annoying as the original. For effective deployment, we humbly suggest the following sounds and locations, but you can conduct your own field research for more insight. The cricket chirping sound is interesting because someone will instinctively look near the ground when trying to locate a cricket. So, placing the Annoy-a-tron several feet or more above the ground will help to obscure its location. The 15kHz sound is also interesting because this frequency range of sound cannot be heard by everyone. In older adults or those with deteriorated hearing a condition known as presbycusis this high frequency sound will not be audible, while others will clearly hear the sound and find it quite annoying. They also might think they are going crazy because people nearby will report that they don't hear anything. Assuming you have done your part in selecting a suitable hiding location for the Annoy-a-tron, it will do its part to drive your co-workers slowly mad with its short and seemingly random beeps. And when someone does locate the Annoy-a-tron, they're not going to know what it is - which is almost as much fun as watching them search for it. Sometimes younger folks cannot hear it and sometimes older folks can hear it, but, in general, it's called the 'Teen Buzz' tone.

Each beep results in them all hearing it coming from somewhere not even close to the other person, annoy-a-tron.


Looking for the perfect prankster gift? This post has been published in partnership with ThinkGeek. All options and reactions are honest. I will never feel too old to play a good prank on someone. I definitely don't feel like I'm getting old. I spend my days laughing at memes and watching prank videos.


The former art director for Nine Inch Nails, Rob Sheridan, shared a story in a series of tweets to honor tech retailer ThinkGeek shutting down its business. The company managed to create the most annoying prank device of all time, called the Annoy-a-Tron. It's only normal to want to blow off some steam as a group. Which includes playing some light-hearted pranks on one another.

Kathy van zeeland

More options Toggle width. This product is fully assembled, no soldering required. Drive friend and family crazy with this devilish prank. IRS Ars Praefectus. It may not display this or other websites correctly. LimpBagel Ars Legatus Legionis. But if this is making shrill noises that are painful to hear or make work difficult interrupting conversations with customers or vendors then that's just wrong. Otherwise, the possible problems could be disasterous. Ah, well. I'm sold. LordJosh Ars Legatus Legionis. Can't subscribe you right now. But if this is making shrill noises that are painful to hear or make work difficult interrupting conversations with customers or vendors then that's just wrong. As such we have it split into 3 areas: Network where I am , Helpdesk next to me and Business Systems not near me, but only a few yards away.


Happysin Ars Legatus Legionis. All rights reserved. For reasons I cannot fathom, we have racks with dead or dying equipment, rent still being paid on time, but no one returns our calls. Install the app. I am buying one now. NotContinuum Ars Legatus Legionis. I can imagine. A few months ago, i planted one in my mothers house before she got home from work. Front Page. Average rating:.

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