ao3 baldurs gate 3

Ao3 baldurs gate 3

This ao3 baldurs gate 3 is Korrilla-centric and explores my headcanons about her, with some whippings and brat taming from Raphael and Fortune on the side. I find it so interesting that Raphael criticizes Karsus and the players for overreaching their limits, when he's doing some overreaching himself for thinking he can take on Asmodeus.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Theirs was a slow romance, and one that took them both by surprise. But oh, once the fire was lit, theirs was a love that could light up the deepest of nights. In Tav's heart, Halsin found a home; in Halsin's heart, Tav found freedom.

Ao3 baldurs gate 3

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Work Search: tip: words Theirs was a slow romance, and one that took them both by surprise. But oh, once the fire was lit, theirs was a love that could light up the deepest of nights. In Tav's heart, Halsin found a home; in Halsin's heart, Tav found freedom. Neither were what the other expected, but as it turned out, each was what the other needed. Female Tav; no other companions included in said romance.

Please consider turning it on! More of Raphael and Fortune because this damn devil has me on a chokehold. The flames flickered and illuminated her visage from below, and in the mirror, she can see herself surrounded by darkness; it was how she imagined hell look like, and later, ao3 baldurs gate 3, the foolish girl found out that it was far worse than that.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Theirs was a slow romance, and one that took them both by surprise. But oh, once the fire was lit, theirs was a love that could light up the deepest of nights.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Work Search: tip: austen words sort:title. Follow along as Diana, a tiefling and gifted sorcerer with a sordid background, is begrudgingly elected the leader of a merry band of misfits. Diana is secretive, a dreamer child of parents who fled the first circle of hell, and is as adept with a dagger as she is with spell work. Diana is kind, stubborn, and well-intended if not a little bit broody; which makes it all the more funny when she falls for the barbarian with a golden heart. Follow our group of miscreants as they find themselves in all sorts of complicated messes on their journey to save themselves and the world. Quiet thoughts around the camp can lead to introspection among the party.

Ao3 baldurs gate 3

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me.

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But in the act of helping a friend she makes a deal that's just getting ready to come back and possibly literally bite her on the ass. Written for the Astarion's Juice box weekly writing prompts "You bring home a pet and your partner isn't sure whether or not it's a good idea to keep it. Set a few years after the Elderbrain's defeat, Renata has found her niche in life, not on the road to another adventure but in the depths of Windstone College's infamous magical library, where the books might occasionally read you. What does it mean to be a hero? With no powers, barely any skills, and only her mind and faint knowledge of the world to help her navigate the perils of the Forgotten Realms, she will have quite the challenge in her hands. Though the spoilers will be mostly limited to the part of the game the fic is currently at, there may still be spoilers based on Astarion and Durge knowledge that comes from later game play. Or, the story of how Haarlep gets a tadpole-induced vacation, makes some friends, plays matchmaker, gives Raphael another stress ulcer, and maybe saves Toril along the way. I recently read all the 6 parts in the devil's playground on AO3 and it was soooooo good! The man groaned brokenly at his careful touch, blood and froth spilling from his cracked lips as they parted. It makes sense that he shares some personality traits with dear old dad. However, instead of dying, he flees.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled.

Neither were what the other expected, but as it turned out, each was what the other needed. Enemies to??? More screeching as tendrils seared off her arms Remember Me. With no powers, barely any skills, and only her mind and faint knowledge of the world to help her navigate the perils of the Forgotten Realms, she will have quite the challenge in her hands. Notes: This is just a quick one-shot post-credit correspondence to flesh out an idea that came up while playing two runs simultaneously may as well as use it for some English-as-second-language writing practice The trauma of the past doesn't disappear overnight, and without the constant threat of death, they all have to decide how they want to live. You, Astarion, and Shadowheart are roommates as you all adjust to life after the ending of BG3. This is with Spawn Astarion x redeemed durge with eventual Halsin. Now he's been kidnapped by mind flayers, infected with a parasite that is slowly turning him into a monster, and stranded on a remote stretch of the Sword Coast with six other infected victims. Bookmarked by dekariosweaved 12 Feb Public Bookmark. Tav is left unnamed and her appearance vague to make it easier for the reader to imagine their own if desired. Well, so much for your sleep. This is with Spawn Astarion x redeemed durge with eventual Halsin. Neither were what the other expected, but as it turned out, each was what the other needed.

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