ap varus

Ap varus

A solid item overall. Extra ap varus will help you for spamming Piercing Arrow. If you want more firepower and a little bit of sustain Hextech Gunblade is a viable choice. Rabadon's Deathcap : Extra damage.

In the year , he had one of the most oppressive poke mid-laner builds in the game, and his old lethality build allowed him to poke Azir out of lane almost instantaneously with a single Piercing Arrow Q. The AP build performs a somewhat different task than the original lethality setup, but it still works just as well. His Blighted Quiver W applies stacks of Blight and when eaten does extra magic damage every third auto attack. Varus is obviously a powerful counter to Azir, but he also works well against Twisted Fate because of how difficult it is for TF to come near enough to apply a Gold Card W stun to Varus. He is a generally respectable ranged mid-laner, but his lack of mobility causes him to struggle tremendously.

Ap varus

Are you constantly seeking the edge to dominate your opponents? Ready to gain that coveted rank and secure your position in the League? You will receive your eBook download link straight to your email. League of Legends can be a fun experience; you have assassins that can one-shot tanks and supports that are foreign to the concept of limits. The AD carry role seems to be the timidest among all the competition —until you add some spice to the mix. This is because certain marksmen tend to have hybrid scaling that can change their distinctive playstyles, and quite surprisingly — every single one of these AP ratios makes zero sense. You need to have the proper tools at your disposal if you want to survive teamfights while coming out as the final victor for your team. In simplest terms, Varus has a passive that allows him to apply stacks of Blight to the enemy it auto attacks. While the main purpose of Blight is to make the target vulnerable, Blight generally tends to have a percentage of AP scaling with his W. This standalone ability works by making Varus charge an arrow that can be launched from his bow upon release. This arrow generally deals physical damage, so it is compatible with Lethality as well. This effect is proportional to the amount of time an arrow is charged for Varus to launch.

Ultimate: Chain of Corruption Varus flings out a tendril of corruption, rooting the first champion hit for 2 seconds and dealing magic damage to them. Check out the ap varus and best Varus Probuilds used by pros from around the world, featured by lolvvv, ap varus. Quick Skill Order.

Win Rate Try to poke the enemy down with your E and Q before committing to a fight. Delay team fights while you harass the enemy with your Q. Once an enemy champion overextended, cast your Ultimate R to catch them out of position. Never leave your team's side as you will be easy pickings for an Assassin or Bruiser.

Varus is one of the strongest on-hit ADC champions that can demolish tanks even if they are fully stacked on defensive stats. His W boosts his on-hit damage, and he can stack this with his runes and item build. He can also be built as an attack speed crit ADC that can trade blows with ADC champions; he has the edge over most ADC because of the range of his basic attack and his Q and his ultimate. But did you know that he can be built like an assassin and one-shot champions from far away? In this article, we will show you the build you can do to achieve this; this is a fun build, so read on and try it on your next game. While it has an AD scaling, his W turns it into AP scaling and even gets more robust the more passive he inflicts on his enemies. Varus can wind up his upgraded Q and one-shot most enemies from far away on three stacks of his W.

Ap varus

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. One of the better matchups for Varus - take Cleanse if you are uncomfortable with it You win at all stages of the game against her, try an extended trade level 1 if you have LT, you will win that.

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With over 9 million downloads and active gamers, it is the most reliable site to get free ingame stuff. His W ability is made up of two parts, the passive and the active. Building AP Varus Manamune. Youmuu's Ghostblade is another cheap and great item that gives Varus a lot of attack damage. Varus' Item Build Starting Item. These champions are considered as Varus counters in the current patch, and playing such a matchup will decrease your chances of winning a game. Varus combos Every combo you need to master the champion! At least I tried. Chain of Corruption R R. Hail of Arrows E E. Well, Varus can do this to any champion in the game for a few reasons. If you're looking for a champion that can stay back and use abilities to poke down the enemies and an ultimate to crowd control and win the game then Varus is the right champion for you.

Are you constantly seeking the edge to dominate your opponents?

If it reaches them, they take the same root and damage. With this, you start applying pressure and farming gold from your First Strike. Varus is a great starter champion if you want to give Dragon Lane a try! Are you constantly seeking the edge to dominate your opponents? Well, Fortune is a much more powerful ADC than you. While you might not get penalized, the quality of the game will be bad — even for you. It's fun to play Cons: Very Squishy. This item will give you a decent mix of both AD and AP. Varus gets countered. Back to Home. E: Hail of Arrows Varus fires a hail of arrows that deal physical damage and desecrate on the ground.

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