asol counters

Asol counters

Aurelion Sol middle has a The best Aurelion Sol players have a

CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found. Aurelion Sol Builds.

Asol counters

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Aurelion Sol Mid. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths. Aurelion Sol. All Roles. All regions All. All champions. Aurelion Sol wins lane against Name Gold diff Aurelion Sol loses lane against Name Gold diff

As long as you don't let him kite you, easy lane. Wait for your jungler to gank your lane, max Q and farm safely until you get your first items asol counters.


CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found. Aurelion Sol Builds. Hide Mid Lane Mid Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Aurelion Sol.

Asol counters

The Star Forger now has a revamped kit that has attracted lots of players to try him out, as his play rate spikes through the roof. Despite his immense scaling and powerful AoE damage, Aurelion Sol has a couple of weaknesses that can be exploited by specific champions. The first champion that counters Graves hard is Katarina. The mid lane assassin is the perfect champion to destroy the Star Forger: she can burst Aurelion Sol down in the blink of an eye and dodge all the potential skills he can throw at her.

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Much like the rest of the champions here he's very abusable when he doesn't have his Q. Also if you can counter roam as his champ is very good at roaming. Just be aware and helpful for your team by saying ss and ping. Poke him down when he goes for CS and solo kill him in lane. Seraphine AD Carry. Farm as much as you can and once you have not fallen behind you can try to take him on with Tibbers level 6. If you play it safely and just farm up, you shouldn't die too often against Aurelion Sol. Just don't miss your E. Gets stacks off killing your voidlings. Simply get your jg to follow you up in the earlier levels and get the advantage. Pretty easy matchup, just play agro and you win lane. Darius Top. Doran Blade better for this matchup.

Aurelion Sol middle has a The best Aurelion Sol players have a Analyzing 6, games played by the top Aurelion Sol players worldwide over the last 7 days.

He's not a hard matchup, but it's easier using Aery to win. Qiyana Bible by Kessi Qiyana Player. Highelo In-depth Kassadin guide by schulti Kassadin Player. Keep ur E for his Q and this is it. Electrocute Vladimir [V9. Just steal his ult and kill him. Just spam Q wave so he can never leave. His weak early means you win 2v2 with your jungler and you can potentially solo kill him early as well. Just make sure you ALWAYS alert your team whenever he vanishes, cause while he isnt an issue in lane, his roaming can be hell on your team, especially if he gets ahead in kills or farm. Careful for his roam pressure though. In Resolve Bone Plating and Unflinching. You out push him in the beginning. Look for combos wherever you may be able to find them. Watch out for his level 1, good ASols will abuse their power early.

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