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Condom Redemption Richard's little sister, Cissy, found his stash of condoms and threatened to turn them over to their parents. Betty and Ben Young Betty gets to help her mother curb the excessive masturbation habit of her older brother Ben. Chapter 1 February 28, The Milking Station The milking station is used to masturbate boys for purposes of measuring erect penis size, sperm production and other aspects of child and adolescent male sexual development. Chapter 1 January 31, Chapter 1 December 8, Ask Ms.

Asstr cfnm

Due to serious illness, Amy House, the author of the first three chapters, was unable to continue writing The Girl Bully. She invites and encourages others who are inspired to do so to continue the story for her. The Girl Bully Kelly is a fourteen year old girl bully who loves forcing younger kids of both sexes to engage in embarrassing and humiliating acts. Henderson has had it with the constant disrespect and misbehavior of her three sons, ages 12, 10 and 8, making life miserable for her and their three older sisters. After her divorce is final, she decides that its time to take maters in hand by taking control of the root of the problem. This decision results in painful, embarrassing and humiliating consequences for the boys, to the delight of the girls. It doesn't take long for james to discover that the program is a comprehensive hands on and practical practice sex education course that almost from the beginning publicly places him in embarrassing and humiliating predicaments. Used to a religious home and school, he has much trouble adapting to some of the rules and expectations of his new family and school. He finds compliance with these rules to be very embarrassing and humiliating. He also quickly discovers that in addition to being even more embarrassing and humiliating than the everyday requirements, home and school punishments often are very painful affairs. For the fourteen year old this was always a humiliating experience invovling urinating in a cup while she watched. Things become even more embarrassing for him, starting with the week that due to her unavailability his stepmother arranges for her good friend Mrs. Hirsh to administer the test..

Soon the younger girl and her preteen friends have ensnarled the boy into doing their bidding and fulfilling their wishes. My Naughty Weekend, asstr cfnm. Puericil Story Page Last update

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Condom Redemption Richard's little sister, Cissy, found his stash of condoms and threatened to turn them over to their parents. Stories by David Last update Stories by Adrianne Bloom Last update June 30 , Stories by Nocti Raven Last update April 7, Stories by Anonymous 1 Last update April 28, When as a young teen he's caught by his younger sister, his fantasies come true in unexpected and exciting to him ways. Stories by hobbybop Last update Chapter 1 January 18, The only problem is that his mother insists that his twelve year old computer genius cousin Sarah set up the system and install parental controls to prevent him from surfing adult sites. Chapter 1 February 12, Chapter 2 March 16, Distribution of the stories contained on this site is subject to the copyright restrictions contained in each individual story. Stories by Vikram Last update September 18, A plan that very much has the boys enduring embarrassing lessons in demonstrating respect toward females of any age. Submission Guidelines!

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Stories by Cewis Larroll Last update July 21, Stories by Cassie Last update Stories by Kylie Last update January 31, Catholic School Girls Inspired by a picture, it tells of how a group of girls connect a theft at the school to a group of boys and make them pay the CFNM and forced masturbation consequence. Especially those relating to bare bottom spankings and modesty. Stories by Kylie Last update January 31, Stories by Nevergrowup Last update Chapter 1 March 24, The only problem is that his mother insists that his twelve year old computer genius cousin Sarah set up the system and install parental controls to prevent him from surfing adult sites. Stories by Jane Marwood Last update The Dinner Date A girl visits her aunts and cousins at their extremely feminist community. Kid Sister in Charge Girl finds older brother in a compromising position and takes advantage of it.

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