astra 1n

Astra 1n

SatTracker LyngSat Maps. News at LyngSat :.

It was launched in and is the fourth satellite to be built for Astra by Astrium now Airbus Defence and Space and the 46th SES satellite in orbit, and entered commercial service at The satellite was originally designed to provide digital television and radio broadcast services across Europe from the Astra The Astra 1N satellite provides three broadcast beams, each with horizontal and vertical polarisation , across three footprints. The United Kingdom spot beam covers the United Kingdom and Ireland with reception on dishes of 45 cm diameter across the whole of the United Kingdom, Ireland and Channel Islands with the exception of the extreme north east of Scotland, where a 60 cm dish is required. Pan-European Beam 2 provides 60 cm dish reception over substantially the same area reaching further north into Scandinavia and east as far as the Baltic states , Russia and the Black Sea but excluding more of the Iberian Peninsula , Italy and the Mediterranean.

Astra 1n

News at LyngSat Stream :. Value 24 TV. Rossini TV. Tele 8. News at LyngSat :. Charity TV on AsiaSat 9. Madani TV on Nusantara Satu. Astra 1N at SatTracker LyngSat Maps. Sky Deutschland. Irdeto Marlin Nagravision Viaccess Videoguard.

Genius Plus TV.


Information internationale en continu. En allemand pour le public allemand, autrichien et suisse. En galicien et castillan espagnol. Celle-ci en langue anglaise. En anglais. En anglais ou chinois avec sous-titres en anglais. Version satellite pour la diffusion en Europe de ORF 2. S at E xpat. Faisceau Europe Ku-band beam.

Astra 1n

FTA [-] Clear. Astra 1N Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency

Jagan manga

TVRI World. Tele 5 Germany. Pearl TV. Bibel TV. Bibel TV. SWR 3. News at LyngSat :. Sky News International. HR Fernsehen. BVN Europa. Radio Burgenland. TV Monaco.

The following satellite footprints information is intended as a general reference only. S at E xpat.

DMAX Austria. Madani TV on Nusantara Satu. Dokumente und Debatten. DMAX Deutschland. RBB Fritz. Tele 8. RTL Zwei Austria. TV5Monde Europe. NDR Blue. Bremen Zwei.

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