Astrostyle daily
Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign ascendant to plan your day.
Sometimes even the best-laid plans go awry. Perhaps you're coasting along, thinking that you have one particular five- or ten-year plan in place—a move, a promotion, a family—only to learn that your S. Ease up on your impatient tendencies. Handle all the administrative details, completing tasks and errands or putting a solid system in place to support your goals. Later in the day is favorable for making money.
Astrostyle daily
From Aries to Pisces to every sign in between, get the weekly horoscope and astrology forecast for yourself and the people you care about. Unconventional might be your middle name, Aries, but how does that apply to your love life? Even while out socializing, professional goals will be at the forefront of your mind this week. Check your emotional GPS, Cancer. A passionate Leo can only keep cards close to your vest for so long. Good news! This week brings plenty of opportunities to bare your soul as love planets Venus and Mars inch closer and closer to one another But Cupid could make a second—and far stronger—showing this Thursday, February 22, when heavenly heartthrobs Venus and Love drifts closer to home this week as heavenly hotties Venus and Mars link arms in Aquarius and your cozy, sentimental fourth house. While you require oceans of personal space from MOST people, you have an Love goddess Venus can make you quite the coquette when she sails through your third house. That becomes undeniably apparent this Thursday, February 22, when she meets her mate Mars at the exact same degree On Thursday, February 22, interstellar lovebirds Mars and Venus spoon in Aquarius and your slow-jamming second Listen up, Aquarius! The universe is sending you very loud signals to take a chance on romance.
You can make huge strides toward a goal if you stick to a simple plan and take a softer approach. Sharing your fantasies is a great place to start, but first you have to be okay with making yourself vulnerable, astrostyle daily.
Easy with the fact-checking, Gemini. While you may need to correct some data, you could come across as a know-it-all, thanks to a complex angle a quincunx forming between the moon in hesitant Cancer and Mercury, Venus and Mars in Aquarius and your outspoken ninth house. If your personal values are at odds with members of a beloved alliance, you may need to rethink your affiliation. Avoid conflict, if you can, by heading out for a heart-pumping run or an enlivening, brisk walk. Channel the energy physically first…then deal with your divergent opinions. You can make huge strides toward a goal if you stick to a simple plan and take a softer approach.
Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign ascendant to plan your day. Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology. One of your ambitious goals will benefit from an extra set of eyes, ears and hands. Make sure you curate your crew with care. Your combative planetary ruler, Mars, can also be an agitator.
Astrostyle daily
What are the best days for love? What career opportunities lie ahead? Which challenges and opportunities should you look out for every day? Like your cosmic confidantes, The AstroTwins help you map out the best life possible—and spare you from making mistakes along the way.
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Hold off on making any major decisions, whether they concern the status of your relationship or booking that vacation rental with a couple of questionable reviews. Tightening up your game is great, but avoid perfectionism and putting yourself down. As you zero in on the next steps on the ladder of success, stack the odds in your favor by connecting with pro-level people who can mentor you and offer expert insights. ABout the Astrotwins. Read my scope. Aries Unconventional might be your middle name, Aries, but how does that apply to your love life? Make sure you're not being judgmental or sanctimonious. Switch to a wide-angle lens today as mental Mercury exits your obsessive eighth house and segues into limitless Pisces and your expansive ninth. Start by handling admin tasks that have been piling up. There may be tears, and the grieving process takes time.
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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope January 20 - February Scorpio Love drifts closer to home this week as heavenly hotties Venus and Mars link arms in Aquarius and your cozy, sentimental fourth house. Later in the day is favorable for making money. Read Today's Virgo Horoscope. Taurus Shift your attention away from pursuing your goals and focus on the trusted circle of people who love you for the next few weeks. Read Scorpio Weekly Horoscope. That becomes undeniably apparent this Thursday, February 22, when she meets her mate Mars at the exact same degree Is the grass greener everywhere but under your feet? Pay attention to nonverbal cues and body language. Your dualistic sign will reap rewards when you shift to a much more singular focus.
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