Ateez members age

They are also signed to the Japanese record label Nippon Columbia since Official Accounts: Website: ateez, ateez members age. He ranked 42nd overall and was eliminated in episode

Their group name stands for A to Z. They are also signed to the Japanese record label Nippon Columbia since See pics for more Seonghwa. See pics for more Hongjoong. See pics for more Yunho.

Ateez members age

ATEEZ is composed of eight members born between and The oldest member is Seonghwa born Apr 3, The youngest member maknae is Jongho born Oct 12, All of the members were born in South Korea. Yunho, Mingi, and Seonghwa are taller than the average height in the group. Jongho, San, Yeosang, Wooyoung, and Hongjoong are shorter than the average. See any errors? Send us your corrections by listing the artist and the mistake. You might also like. Member Birthday Age 1. Seonghwa Apr 03, 25 years old 2. Hongjoong Nov 07, 25 years old 3. Yunho Mar 23, 24 years old 4. Yeosang Jun 15, 24 years old 5. San Jul 10, 24 years old 6.

Anyang, ateez members age, Gyeonggi-do South Korea. Forbes Interview — Out of all the members, he thinks he would survive the longest in a zombie apocalypse. He is a rapper, songwriter, and dancer.

Proving themselves as mainstays in the industry and not just one-hit wonders, they were awarded the Next Generation Award at the Golden Disc Awards as freshman entertainers! Join me as we do a deep dive on each member of this electrifying group and discover who among them is the youngest! It served as the pre-debut team, meant to train new talent on how to operate in the world of entertainment and get them show ready. In , he made an appearance in the Korean drama series Imitation in a supporting role. Kim Hong-joong is the multi-talented year-old, responsible for many roles in the group and therefore an integral piece. On top of being a vocalist, he is considered the lead rapper, leader of the ensemble, and composer.

They are also signed to the Japanese record label Nippon Columbia since Official Accounts: Website: ateez. He ranked 42nd overall and was eliminated in episode The money earned from the event was then donated to charity. Mysterious Invitation To. Salary Lupin Ep. Show more Seonghwa facts…. They both auditioned for the company without the other knowing and met at the audition. Hongjoong said that the team leader of the rookie team made a lot of effort to make Yeosang join the agency. Idol Radio Ep.

Ateez members age

They debuted on October 24, with the mini album Treasure EP. Concept photo for Treasure EP. On October 24, , they debuted with the first mini album Treasure EP. On January 15, , they made their first come back with the second mini album Treasure EP. Ten days later, MyMusicTaste announced that they would be holding a world tour called The Expedition Tour , with the first five concerts being held over the span of March in the United States. On June 5, it was announced that they would be holding two concerts in Australia as part of The Expedition Tour with the two dates being on August 9 and On August 9 and 11, they performed at their Australian concerts in Melbourne and Sydney, respectively.

Gmt-7 time

He auditioned for KQ Elementary and passed it, resulting in him becoming a trainee in the company. The origins of county music date back to , when Southern Appalachian fiddle performers made the first-ever recording. Yeosang Jun 15, 24 years old 5. Seonghwa joined KQ Entertainment as a trainee in Yunho 1. Choi Jong-ho is a year-old pop phenom born in Seoul, South Korea. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. He is a singer and actor. Extroverted, intuitive, thinking, prospecting. Privacy Policy. Jongho 1. He owns five drones , one of which was gifted to him as a birthday present by his fellow band members. Seonghwa auditioned for KQ Entertainment and is the vocalist in the band. In early , Mingi went on a brief hiatus due to his struggles with anxiety but returned eight months later. For more about the group, check out precisely how tall the Ateez members are.

They made their debut in with the album Treasure EP. The album peaked at the seventh spot on the Gaon Albums Chart.

All of the members were born in South Korea. He joined KQ Entertainment as a trainee. Nowon-gu South Korea. In fact, Hongjoong is famously the first trainee that KQ Entertainment had, and he had submitted a mix tape prior to a time when KQ even held auditions for trainees. Member that speaks English the best: Hongjoong. Jongho is 23 years old. The piano is a musical instrument that has been around since the Renaissance period and has become one of the…. Mingi Aug 09, 24 years old 7. Extroverted, observant, feeling, judging. Table of Contents Toggle.

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