Auckland rainfall last 24 hours

Personalise your weather experience and unlock powerful new features. Leverage advanced weather intelligence and decisioning tools for your enterprise business. Leverage precise weather intelligence and decision-making solutions for your business. To better understand the icons, colours and weather terms used throughout Weatherzone, please check the legend and glossary, auckland rainfall last 24 hours.

JavaScript is not enabled on this browser. For best viewing experience of this website, please enable JavaScript. Our weather symbols tell you the weather conditions for any given hour in the day or night. This means that the symbol for 9am shows you what you will see from 9am to 10am. Chance of precipitation represents how likely it is that rain or other types of precipitation, such as sleet, snow, hail or drizzle will fall from the sky at a certain time. This number shows the air temperature for the time period. You can see the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit by using the dropdown menu.

Auckland rainfall last 24 hours

Your web browser Internet Explorer is out of date. Some things will not look right and things might not work properly. Please download an up-to-date and free browser from here. As forecast by WeatherWatch. For drought zones it was the first front that moved in for and brought actual widespread rain that lasted hours. Good luck — we hope more rain is coming in the next 10 days for drought zones too and at this time of year the longer nights and cooler days compared to summer means less evaporation. And free to access for all of ! Add new comment. Our water tank badly needs more rain!! View more comments. Saturday — Showers get pushed further eastwards as high pressure near Tasmania moves in closer to NZ. Winds across NZ….

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An eye-watering It was a level of ferocity no one was expecting. There were weather warnings and news articles ahead of time but no one was prepared for the battering the city took on Friday night. The longest running weather record which is still active comes from a station at Auckland Airport. Major storms in saw mm of rain fall at the airport, setting a record that lasted nearly four decades. The mm of rain the station received between 9am Friday and 9am Saturday towers over every single other day across more than 60 years of data. A quarter of a metre of rainfall in one day is unprecedented. The torrential storm of Friday night dumped more water on the city than it would typically see in three whole months. The video below shows how much rain was detected in Mangere in five minute intervals. From sunrise, the city endured a steady level of rain, but the deluge hit twice — once between 4pm and 5pm and then again between 6 and

Auckland rainfall last 24 hours

Historical data and additional parameters can be provided upon request. Please contact us if you have any queries. Live Rainfall Data. Kia ora, for access to our latest rainfall data, please navigate to the Map to find 24 hour totals at all of our rainfall sites.

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New Auckland Warnings. More detail. For frequently asked questions, please check our Knowledge Base. Welcome to Weatherzone. Use my current location. Wind -. Read more about how wind will affect you at the beach. Fri 22 Mar. The higher the percentage of humidity, the wetter it will feel outside. SSE The number is the average wind speed. A number of…. Help us improve our website Take our short survey. Chance of precipitation represents how likely it is that rain or other types of precipitation, such as sleet, snow, hail or drizzle will fall from the sky at a certain time. UK video forecast.


Read more about calculating the expected height of the waves at the beach. For drought zones it was the first front that moved in for and brought actual widespread rain that lasted hours. Wind speed mph Sun 17 Mar. Our water tank badly needs more rain!! The letters show the direction the wind is blowing from on a standard point compass. Use my current location. Winds across NZ…. JavaScript is not enabled on this browser. Rain since 9AM -. Pro Unlock more weather data and layers options. Weather Weather Warnings. Tick Icon in Circle Insurance.

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