audio technica made in japan

Audio technica made in japan

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Contact Us: Service AccessoryJack. S for deep bass reproduction. The 3. We are monitoring logistic situation and will expand the delivery destinations from time to time. Our warehouse is located in Hong Kong, which is very efficient in processing your orders. Here are our experiences on the estimated delivery time for different regions. Please note that Christmas season is very unpredictable and please expect a little delay because of the volume of mails.

Audio technica made in japan

Where are they actually manufactured? Is it China, Taiwan or Japan? Add a video answer. Shoppers find videos more helpful than text alone. This file format is not supported. Videos must be at least 5 seconds. The file size is too big. A video can be up to 1 GB. We encountered a problem while trying to upload. Please try again. Add a written answer.

Please Contact Us for any further questions. Videos must be at least 5 seconds. Written answer or video required.

Audio-Technica was established in in Shinjuku , Tokyo , Japan, by Hideo Matsushita as a phonograph cartridge manufacturer. Business rapidly developed, and Audio-Technica expanded into other fields. The headquarters and factory moved in to the current address in Naruse, Machida, Tokyo. In , the company developed its first headphones, the AT series, launched the same year. The AT series of microphones were introduced in , and in the same year, the UK establishment in Leeds began operation. In the s, with the growth in digital music formats threatening their core business of phonograph cartridges, Audio-Technica begun a period of diversification. Employee suggestions were solicited, with sushi machines among the ideas selected for further development.

Audio-Technica was established in in Shinjuku , Tokyo , Japan, by Hideo Matsushita as a phonograph cartridge manufacturer. Business rapidly developed, and Audio-Technica expanded into other fields. The headquarters and factory moved in to the current address in Naruse, Machida, Tokyo. In , the company developed its first headphones, the AT series, launched the same year. The AT series of microphones were introduced in , and in the same year, the UK establishment in Leeds began operation. In the s, with the growth in digital music formats threatening their core business of phonograph cartridges, Audio-Technica begun a period of diversification. Employee suggestions were solicited, with sushi machines among the ideas selected for further development. In , Audio-Technica introduced the ASM50 Nigirikko, a nigiri -forming appliance for home kitchens, which incorporated a turn-table like mechanism to deposit the nigiri onto.

Audio technica made in japan

Accessing our website tells us you agree to our use of cookies. However you can change your cookie settings at any time. Find out more. Since our founding in , we have sought to expand the limits of audio technology, pursuing an ever-changing purity of sound to foster human connections. Still, after six decades of discovery and innovation we felt it was time to take our analog audio exploration to an even higher level. Our engineers rely on their refined auditory judgment, rather than a sterile set of technical specifications, to assess sound quality, while key materials, like precious KUROGAKI wood, are selected to bring the listener closer to the wonders of nature. The reason these naturally distinct black patterns form remains elusive to this day.

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Add a video answer. Business rapidly developed, and Audio-Technica expanded into other fields. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Archived from the original on 6 March They are engineered and designed in Japan and then assembled in China. Employee suggestions were solicited, with sushi machines among the ideas selected for further development. Made in China. In , the company developed its first headphones, the AT series, launched the same year. Customer satisfaction is always the first concern for us. New 3D Type Wing Support offers improved comfort for extended listening periods. I would like to say: everything made in Germany is of top notch quality - but unfortunately it isn't always like that.

Due to widely varying shipping costs, every international order will be invoiced seperately.

S for deep bass reproduction. Then we will ship it back to you. Forums New posts Search forums. A video can be up to 1 GB. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Headphones Microphones Turntables Phonograph cartridges Wireless microphones. However, the warranty issued, unless otherwise stated, is usually effective in Hong Kong. Paypal payment system is with a very high security standard. Archived from the original on 3 November Do you find this helpful? Yes Report. We keep our price reasonably low by getting better cost structures and streamline operation efficiencies, but NOT by lower quality products.

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