Backrooms hotel
New here? Be sure to read the FAQ for useful and commonly asked wiki information. Level 5 is presumably an infinite, ever-expanding hotel complex complete with all the sections a luxury hotel should have, such as lounges, backrooms hotel, ballrooms, guest rooms, restaurants, hallways, backrooms hotel, swimming pools, and maintenance halls. The level does not follow Euclidean geometry, which makes many wanderers lose track of where they are, never to be found again.
Forum: Introduce Yourself. I assume you may be a bit confused as to where you find yourself. However, you have nothing to fear. The place you see before you is what you will know soon enough as your new home, with me and my dear staff members as your new family. We are not many here, mind you. Our small group of dedicated workers maintain the hotel in the way which you see it before you at the present moment, and despite this place being infinite, we still try our best to make the experience of our customers one that is… pleasant. Yes, pleasant.
Backrooms hotel
Forum: Introduce Yourself. The original author of this entry is Fandom user Discord Rewritten by Stretchsterz. Ideas, Code and Entity 18 paragraph by ratscrapz. Level 5 is the 6th Level of The Backrooms. This Level seems to be an infinite hotel. Level 5 is an infinite hotel complex with many rooms and halls. The level itself appears to have been constructed in the s, with furniture dating back to There are three 3 main areas in Level 5 that are fully accessible. The surroundings of Level 5 are littered with decorations and furniture from the early 20th century, with The Main Hall being the most object-populated area of Level 5. The level is mostly clean, with little dust and dirt lingering on surfaces. It seems to clean itself, as unclean spots disappear only a few minutes after appearing. The oddly pristine floors and well-cared-for areas make Level 5 utterly unsettling when compared to other levels close by.
The staff of the hotel was far more disgusting than I remembered, backrooms hotel, and the gruesome sight didn't help me remain all that distracted from my worrisome thoughts. After further analysis, the corpses do not bear any wound or injury, as if they died of heart failure or gas leakage; though the frothing foam coming out of the pores of one's body, the twisted postures, and the abundance of the deaths suggest otherwise. Many backrooms hotel these doors are locked, backrooms hotel, but some have miraculously unlocked over time.
New here? Be sure to read the FAQ for useful and commonly asked wiki information. Level 5 is presumably an infinite, ever-expanding hotel complex complete with all the sections a luxury hotel should have, such as lounges, ballrooms, guest rooms, restaurants, hallways, gyms, swimming pools, and maintenance halls. The level does not follow Euclidean geometry, which makes many wanderers lose track of where they are, never to be found again. Some places on this level are also randomly segmented, with some doors leading to nowhere or cut-off rooms or stairs. Due to how large this level encompasses, it is also rare for wanderers to gather together. Despite this, a few obscure outposts are clinging to survival. While most of the time, the level itself seems to have been constructed in the s, with furniture dating back to the s and following the design of an oriental hotel, the age, aesthetic, and appearance of the level can vary greatly. Opening a door seemingly to another room would lead to a complex with a completely different aesthetic, though this occurrence is rare. Despite shifts in the level's appearance, the overall lonely, liminal, eerie feeling never fades away.
Backrooms hotel
New here? Be sure to read the FAQ for useful and commonly asked wiki information. Level is a concrete structure resemblant in layout to a modern hotel. The level's entirety is characterized by its dilapidated condition, with all surfaces coated in a thin layer of dust, all furniture made of rusted metal or rotted wood, and what few light fixtures can be found all being shattered or short-circuited. There is no natural light anywhere within the level, with some wanderers claiming the hotel is so thoroughly dark that even their brightest flashlights somewhat struggle to illuminate their surroundings. Upon first entering Level , wanderers almost universally find themselves in a featureless, cramped room, with an empty doorway opposite them leading out to a balcony overlooking the central point of the level: an expansive roofed courtyard whose walls are lined with large rectangular windows. Going off of said windows, it can be inferred that the balcony is located on the third floor of the hotel comprising the level, out of five floors total. The floor of the courtyard appears to be made up mostly of a lawn of discolored turf grass with damaged stonework paths, but as of yet there is no known safe way of reaching the ground floor of the hotel to access it. On opposite ends of the balcony, adjacent to the cement railing overlooking the courtyard, are two empty doorways leading into the interior hallway of Level 's third floor. Attempts to map out the level indicate that the hallway likely rings the central courtyard, along with the main hallways on the other reached floors of the hotel.
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Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. General Wikidot. As if the place is dead, no, more like the level is holding its breath. Written by ratscrapz. This group consists of around 50 members. Perhaps out of sheer coincidence, Mitch recognized one of the portraits, it bore a near identical similarity to a friend he lost contact with long ago. POI's Groups Canons. More may be added to this in the future. Written by Natedagreat Don't have an account? Normal entities are fairly scarce in Level 5. The Discovery Of Level 94 M. The B. Though they are suspicious of anyone from later or earlier periods, they are willing to trade goods with passersby but reluctant to interact with other colonies like the ERC and the Backroom Colonists. Doors in this area are labelled with gold placards with a room number that doesn't follow any recognisable pattern.
I assume you may be a bit confused as to where you find yourself. However, you have nothing to fear. The place you see before you is what you will know soon enough as your new home, with me and my dear staff members as your new family.
Some can even open and close randomly. Phenomena Objects Tales. The Terror Hotel. They may show symptoms and behaviors similar to a Jovial, such as hysteria and a lack of reasoning, although there is a clear absence of the Sanguine Festivus virus in level 5. With this being one of the looser canons, do not be afraid to cross over with things like Omenscript, Decay, etc. This area contains many barred-off areas with large pieces of machinery. Click here to edit contents of this page. Entity - "The Singer" Written by makaraig Another shitty situation I've gotten myself into… Entity - "Jazzheads" Written by Sariastuff Oh yeah, I had to suck yer soul whilst you were listenin' to us play. General Wikidot. Maintenance elevators are present, but it is not advised to use them.
I consider, that you are mistaken. I can prove it. Write to me in PM.
Excuse for that I interfere � I understand this question. I invite to discussion. Write here or in PM.
It agree, rather useful message