bald detective

Bald detective

A bald, lollipop sucking police detective with a bald detective righteous attitude battles crime in his city. Kojak : Who loves ya, baby? Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Telly Savalas was an American actor best known for his role as a tough, New York City detective in the s television series, Kojak. He was born on January 21, in Garden City, New York as a son of Greek immigrants, Savalas and his brother Gus sold newspapers and shined shoes to help support the family. After his release, Savalas attended the Armed Forces Institute where he studied radio and television production. He went on to enroll at Columbia University where he continued his studies in psychology. In , Savalas attended an audition for the CBS anthology series Armstrong Circle Theatre , intending to prompt an actor friend who was up for a role. The bald-headed actor became known for his sinister character roles, often as sadistic or psychotic types.

Bald detective

Den skaldede detektiv The Bald Detective Vol. The fourth volume in the series about Dan Sommerdahl deals with the transition from boyhood and is told from three points of view: a sixteen-year-old boy, an immature detective and a schizophrenic stalker stuck in limbo between childhood and adulthood. Rolf Harskov was 16 years and 27 days old when he was hit by a train and died. Rolf's sister, Gry had reached exactly that age when she snorted cocaine mixed with a lethal dose of rat poison. The unhappy parents are sure that the two deaths were in fact murders. Their youngest child, Malthe, is now approaching the age that was fatal to his siblings. The parents contact private detective Dan Sommerdahl and beg him to find the killer before it's too late. When the bald detective finally realises how things fit together, Malthe is away at the Roskilde Festival with his friends. Dan Sommerdahl has only have a few days to find the teenage boy in the crowd. Amongst 70, festive youngsters - and a murderer who has it in for him. Clues are thrown in here and there. Your own detective brain is put to work. So get cracking with no. This fourth volume in the series is as well constructed a crime novel as you could could wish for.

Archived from the original on August 14, Kojak: The Price of Justice.

The bald detective in a fedora finds himself attracted to a foxy, enigmatic woman who is suspected in the murders of her two small sons. Kojak Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Drama Thriller. Director Alan Metzger.

Vic Mackey : Good cop and bad cop have left for the day. I'm a different kind of cop. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer Crime Drama Thriller. Creator Shawn Ryan. See production info at IMDbPro.

Bald detective

Over eight entertaining seasons, Barnaby and Betty developed into quite the crimefighting duo, eventually taking on J. Ebsen essentially retired along with Barnaby when the show was canceled in , but he played the character one more time in , bringing him to the big screen for the Beverly Hillbillies movie. Over 10 seasons and 69 episodes, our seemingly absent-minded hero dispensed justice in distinctively amiable fashion, frequently deluding his suspects into believing his absent-minded demeanor was a sign of incompetence rather than an effective front for a laconic yet dogged method of case-cracking. Utterly ludicrous? Some policemen are bald. Some are snappy dressers. Instead, he turned to Allison DuBois for inspiration, using her claims of having served as a real-life psychic consultant for various law enforcement agencies as the inspiration for a weekly drama about a crime-solving medium named Allison DuBois played by Patricia Arquette. Beset on both sides by police who doubt her gifts and a husband who occasionally suspects she might be a little bit crazy, poor Allison had enough drama to deal with at home without being forced to contend with evildoers and other assorted complications, but it made for some awfully compelling television — as well as one of the more bittersweet series finales on our list. Still, not even cancellation was enough to get rid of Murder : Lansbury returned to star in four TV movies, with the first airing in in and sequels following in , , and


Crocker, specifically, was a prosecutor in the storyline; his police experience had evidently given him a rich background from which he could draw when he studied for his law degree. A standing Kojak figure was in a shooting position; "hand painted and cast in white metal rather than plastic, using the familiar fedora hat and coat mould. Savalas held a degree in psychology and was a world-class poker player who finished 21st at the main event in the World Series of Poker. Tools Tools. As the exclusive licensing agent for Telly Savalas, CMG Worldwide is dedicated to maintaining and developing a positive brand image for our client. See more gaps Learn more about contributing. The Detectives. Savalas first played Lt. Martin Shakar Arnold Nadler. Roger Robinson Gil Weaver. The Washington Post. When the bald detective finally realises how things fit together, Malthe is away at the Roskilde Festival with his friends. Retrieved December 22,

Bald is beautiful. I know that. You know that.

The playing cards had all different images with four Kojaks as Joker Card no sunglasses, sunglasses, lollipop, no sunglasses and no lollipop and was made for foreign markets as K, D Q V, and J B are shown for the face cards. The New York Times. July 25, As a singer, Savalas had some chart success. The system had a protective electric loop for windows and doors. Telly took this character and made it his own Watch Kojak. The vehicle had the two front doors that would open, a "gun shot sound" from rolling the rear bumper wheel, and a detachable red beacon on the roof. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Chicago Daily Tribune. Dan Sommerdahl has only have a few days to find the teenage boy in the crowd. Storyline Edit. Categories : Kojak American television series debuts American television series endings s American crime drama television series s American mystery television series Best Drama Series Golden Globe winners Edgar Award-winning works Television characters introduced in Fictional portrayals of the New York City Police Department Television series by Universal Television Television shows set in Manhattan Television shows filmed in New York City American English-language television shows The ABC Mystery Movie American television series debuts American television series endings s American crime drama television series s American crime drama television series s American mystery television series s American mystery television series American television series revived after cancellation American detective television series CBS television dramas American Broadcasting Company television dramas. This same model by Corgi Classics , was repackaged one final time. The Assassination Bureau.

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