baldurs gate 3 mac m1

Baldurs gate 3 mac m1

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Unfortunately, the Mac version of the game remained stuck in its Early Access state, in spite of appearing as released on Steam. While the game was officially released on Steam on August 3, , Larian Studios was quick to point out that the Mac version of the game would need more time in the oven. The official Mac release date was postponed twice, but Patch 3, which included the macOS version, was finally released on September 22, In other words, it looks amazing. As the game features cross-save, whatever progress you have made on Windows or Playstation will carry over.

Baldurs gate 3 mac m1


Many are calling it the best RPG of all time. Originally posted by fluong :.


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Baldurs gate 3 mac m1

Mac gaming is still in a precarious position despite some progress in recent years, but one of the year's biggest titles is about to land on an Apple computer near you. Larian Studios has confirmed that Baldur's Gate 3 is coming to the Mac on September 21 — a day before another big release in the shape of the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro. The addition of Baldur's Gate 3 to Mac's arsenal is a notable one given not only its popularity on PC and PS5 to date but also the fact that the specification requirements from Larian Studios appear to open the door to a lot of Mac owners. Baldur's Gate 3 hails from the world of Dungeons and Dragons and will see gamers gather their party "and return to the Forgotten Realms in a tale of fellowship and betrayal, sacrifice and survival, and the lure of absolute power. That all sounds very interesting indeed, but that's nothing compared to the good news you'll find when you scroll to the bottom of the game's Steam page to find the minimum and required system specifications.

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All rights reserved. There has never been a single time i updated it and had no issues. Thanks Reply. Do we know the game still works with an intel core like it did in the early access even if the minimum system requirement changed for the M1 chip? Discussions Rules and Guidelines. As the game features cross-save, whatever progress you have made on Windows or Playstation will carry over. Change language. You may be wondering why there is so much hype around this game. Preparing for launch As the game features cross-save, whatever progress you have made on Windows or Playstation will carry over. It is rare that Mac gamers get one of the most popular games of the year so close to its Windows release. Date Posted: 22 Sep, pm. Already playing. Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. In other words, it looks amazing. Search for:.

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Per page: 15 30 The minimum and recommended specs for Mac users have also been updated: we recommend an M1 Pro processor and FSR enabled to run the game at high or ultra settings on a Retina display. Bob on October 9, at pm. In the meantime, this table summarizes our benchmarks running the Early Access version of the game , as well as results from other members of the community:. Originally posted by Kodeir :. As the game features cross-save, whatever progress you have made on Windows or Playstation will carry over. Using a Macbook Pro m2 here and great performance as well! All rights reserved. Submit Comment. These are the updated minimum requirements, according to Steam :. Been playing this on older macbook pro 16" which actually has a gpu in it, and i had to play on mid or low.

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