baldurs gate 3 save the refugees

Baldurs gate 3 save the refugees

Save autrader Refugees is a Quest in Baldur's Gate 3. Save the Refugees can be acquired during Chapter One of the first Act. Completing Save the Refugees will progress the story forward. After speaking with Kagha, speak with Zevlor and take on the task to kill Kagha.

The tieflings are being forced out of Druid Grove by the Druid leader Kagha, however, there is a way to save the refugees and bring peace between them. The coordinates to the entrance to the Druid Grove is X: , Y: This will be a battle between goblins and the refugees on the outside. Take out the group of goblins, and when the battle is over, speak with Zevlor. Depending on your character, your party and, how you handle this fight, the battle should not be that tough. If Zevlor perishes during the battle, you will have to start all of this over. You need certain characters alive throughout the quest to ensure your success.

Baldurs gate 3 save the refugees

GameSpot may receive revenue from affiliate and advertising partnerships for sharing this content and from purchases through links. There are many pivotal moments in Baldur's Gate 3. One of these needs to be resolved during Act 1, and it's the conflict between the Tieflings and Goblins. Regardless of your decision, a lot of people will die, and its up to you to find out which side wins. Our guide discusses the Baldur's Gate 3 Save the Refugees quest, particularly the key factors that should help you win the battle. The Baldur's Gate 3 Save the Refugees quest has multiple stages and objectives. Our guide primarily deals with the battle itself, so here's a quick rundown of what you can expect prior to that:. Let's say that Minthara's army is ready to assault the camp, but you convinced her that you're on her side. Simply take a long rest, and get ready to Save the Refugees in Baldur's Gate 3. You'll want to do the following before you begin the battle:. You can also use a spellcaster main character if they have these spells. In any case, a couple of turns in, you'll notice several sappers moving toward the gate.

We found a mysterious note addressed to Kagha. There are two choices to make: how to resolve the tensions in the grove, and whether to side with the grove or the goblins. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.

The party discovers a group of tiefling refugees at the Emerald Grove who are trying to reach Baldur's Gate, but have been waylaid by goblin raiders. While exploring the Emerald Grove, the player will discover a group of tiefling refugees taking shelter in the grove, who are attempting to reach Baldur's gate after being exiled from Elturel. However, with goblin raiders searching and launching attacks on the grove, the local druids are attempting to perform the Rite of Thorns and close themselves off to the outside world and leaving the tieflings vulnerable. The ritual can be stopped by either by killing the Goblin Camp leaders in the quest Defeat the Goblins , or dealing with Kagha and the Shadow Druids in the quest Investigate Kagha. However, in order to ensure safe passage for the tieflings, the goblins must be defeated. After killing the goblin leaders, the tieflings will be ready to leave for Baldur's Gate.

GameSpot may receive revenue from affiliate and advertising partnerships for sharing this content and from purchases through links. There are many pivotal moments in Baldur's Gate 3. One of these needs to be resolved during Act 1, and it's the conflict between the Tieflings and Goblins. Regardless of your decision, a lot of people will die, and its up to you to find out which side wins. Our guide discusses the Baldur's Gate 3 Save the Refugees quest, particularly the key factors that should help you win the battle. The Baldur's Gate 3 Save the Refugees quest has multiple stages and objectives. Our guide primarily deals with the battle itself, so here's a quick rundown of what you can expect prior to that:. Let's say that Minthara's army is ready to assault the camp, but you convinced her that you're on her side.

Baldurs gate 3 save the refugees

There are multiple paths to complete the quest, some with more bloodshed than others, but our walkthrough will guide you through all your options to let you pick the best path. A fight with goblins plus a bugbear and a warg will ensue, but luckily you have a few allies to help. Follow it down the steps until you come across another altercation, this time between some tieflings and druids.

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Investigate Kagha If you take this side quest, you'll be able to stop the two factions in the Druids' Grove from fighting, and prevent the ritual from forcing the tieflings out. There are two choices to make: how to resolve the tensions in the grove, and whether to side with the grove or the goblins. You can also ask about other side quests you may have picked up along the way, including details about the Nightsong. Reveal to her that you know about her plan. You will then have to choose from another set of choices:. However, in order to ensure safe passage for the tieflings, the goblins must be defeated. Instead of helping them, we betrayed the tieflings for the Absolute. Act Two quests. Doing so will force you into combat with the leftover goblins at the entrance right after you went through a tough series of battles. While they're not all peaceful, there's still something to gain from each, and we explain here what you get from each resolution.

Although the tieflings you meet at the beginning of the game are guests of the druids, they are in mortal danger when the First Druid decides to kick them out. Whether the druids have the right to do it or not, players might not like the idea of letting the tieflings risk their lives moving somewhere else. After successfully defending The Hollow from the goblin attack, talk to Tiefling Zevlor, who will inform you about their predicament with the Druids of Emerald Grove.

The ritual can be stopped by either by killing the Goblin Camp leaders in the quest Defeat the Goblins , or dealing with Kagha and the Shadow Druids in the quest Investigate Kagha. Views Read Edit Edit source View history. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. Celebrate at Camp. Check your quest log, once you freed all allies from Goblin Camp and Defiled Temple you should report back to Zevlor and Halsin which like you stated will celebrate in your camp when you return there and take a rest. I chose to steal the idol, which has exactly the same result as killing Kagha. Rescue Volo. Change language. Use your keyboard! The explosion and successive flame effect should kill many units. This is the toughest of the possible solutions, because you'll have to eliminate 3 powerful opponents, but if you're trying to play the hero and do the "right thing" it's the best choice. It seems like the only way to actually save the refugees is to kill the goblins, and any other path is a trap.

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