baldurs gate 3 skip launcher

Baldurs gate 3 skip launcher

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Username or Email Address. Remember Me Forgot Password? Enter something special:. Log In. Get New Password. Are you tired of yet another third party launcher when you launch a game through Steam?

Baldurs gate 3 skip launcher

Skip Launcher on Mac version? Joined: Jul Any way to skip the launcher on the Mac version. Tried --skip-launcher command line option in steam and it still shows the launcher, though this worked on Windows. Copy Link to Clipboard. Re: Skip Launcher on Mac version? Joined: Sep I wish I had an answer for you, but I'm looking for the same thing. Going into the executable right click. I can't seem to find a way to just start the game.

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Joined: Dec Firesong OP. The launcher serves no purpose, it is just annoying and I hate it with a passion. It even prevents proper operation of NVIDIA Gamestream, because instead of just clicking on "start my game" one has to jump through another stupid, nonsensical hoop. And: not even starting the.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Baldur's Gate 3 Store Page. It is only visible to you. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support. This item is incompatible with Baldur's Gate 3. Please see the instructions page for reasons why this item might not work within Baldur's Gate 3. This item has been added to your Favorites.

Baldurs gate 3 skip launcher

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Store Page. This breaks Steam Deck streaming from my Mac to the Deck. More features. It's working. I have the same issue. Per page: 15 30 I have a feeling it's partially for advertising purposes. Image 1 of 2. Location: Liberec. Would love to figure out how to skip the launcher on macOS. In advance launch options right click properties on baldurs gate 3 in steam and add: --skip-launcher. Yeah, I'm in team "fuck the launcher" as well. Username Email Enter something special: Register.

If you're looking for a way to disable the launcher for Baldur's Gate 3 , you're in the right place.

Did we miss anything about skipping the launcher, or did the steps above not work? Kill steam, make sure it is not running at all, then run the game executable directly. Next Thread. View mobile website. In fact the already suggested method of running directly the preferred executable DX11 or VK was a way to sidestep the problem. Username or Email Address. Joined: Jan It's actually a huge nuisance. Divinity - Original Sin 2 - Fin Joined: Sep P p4R4d0x stranger. That said, the occasional game will come along that insists on opening a separate launcher too, so in this guide, I'll explain the steps you need to follow to disable the launcher for Baldur's Gate 3.

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