battle of yavin

Battle of yavin

Yavin also known as " Yavin Prime ", battle of yavin, to distinguish it from its moons is a fictional planet in the Star Wars galaxy. It first appeared in the film Star Wars [a] and is depicted as a large red gas giant with an extensive satellite system of moons.

Having analyzed the Death Star plans stolen by Princess Leia Organa , the Rebels deduced that small, one manned fighters could penetrate the Death Star's defenses. Once close to the surface, the pilots would be required to manuever down a trench and launch proton torpedoes into a 2 meter wide exhaust port. A direct hit would see the torpedoes travel down the length of the port and destroy the Death Star's main reactor. The rebels launch 30 fighters in the attack. Among them is Red Squadron and Gold Squadron.

Battle of yavin

Lucasfilm has not established a cohesive timeline regarding this subject. Editor discretion is advised. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. The Battle of Yavin , also known as the Battle of the Death Star or the Miracle of Yavin , was a major and decisive battle of the Galactic Civil War , in which the Rebel Alliance was able to destroy the Death Star and was seen as one of the first major victories over the Galactic Empire. During the Battle of Scarif , Jyn Erso managed to steal detailed plans and design specifications for the Imperial battle station known as the Death Star and transmit them to the Alliance Fleet above; these plans soon made their way to Princess Leia Organa. Before Organa arrived, Chancellor Mon Mothma was evacuated aboard a shuttle , as General Dodonna considered her the core of the rebellion. During her time away, she composed a contingency plan: surrender to Emperor Palpatine. General Jan Dodonna briefed the rebel pilots on the plan. The Death Star's defenses were designed for a direct, large-scale assault. By using small, one-man starfighters , the Rebels would slip through the Death Star's main defenses, maneuver down a narrow trench leading to the exhaust port, and fire proton torpedoes into the exhaust port. An analysis of the plans identified a weakness in the battle station, [1] placed there by Imperial scientist Galen Erso : [30] a small thermal exhaust port leading to the main reactor. A proton torpedo fired into the port would cause a chain reaction that would destroy the battle station.

She flew out of the battle station, but before she battle of yavin depart, the Death Star exploded, damaging her starship and causing her some injuries. As the point of the mission is to stop the Rebel forces from destroying the Death Star, the trench portion of the mission's conclusion is non-canon. Conflict :.

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. This article needs appropriate citations. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. Remove this notice when finished. Please follow the guidelines in the Manual of Style and Layout Guide and complete this article to the highest level of quality.

Yavin also known as " Yavin Prime ", to distinguish it from its moons is a fictional planet in the Star Wars galaxy. It first appeared in the film Star Wars [a] and is depicted as a large red gas giant with an extensive satellite system of moons. The hidden military base of the Rebel Alliance is located on its fourth moon, Yavin 4. The climactic space battle at the end of the film, in which the Rebel Alliance destroys the Death Star , takes place in orbit around the planet Yavin. In Star Wars fandom and the Star Wars Expanded Universe , this event is especially significant as it is one method used to mark an epoch in the fictional Star Wars universe. In early drafts of the Star Wars story, author George Lucas began inventing names of characters and planets and assigning roles and characteristics. It is here that Luke Skywalker ends his quest by being reunited with his aged father.

Battle of yavin

The Battle of Yavin, which was a decisive battle within the Galactic Civil War, led to the destruction of the Death Star battle station and represented one of the first major victories for the Rebel Alliance over the Galactic Empire. The Battle of Yavin also dramatically altered the course of Star Wars history. Without the Battle of Yavin and especially the destruction of the Death Star, Darth Vader might have remained oblivious to the existence of Luke Skywalker. The last remnants of the Jedi Order would have permanently receded into history. The planet Yavin is depicted in Star Wars as a red gas giant planet with three habitable orbiting moons, most notably the Yavin 4 moon, which serves as the hidden military base for the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars and the location of the awards ceremony that closes the film, following the destruction of the Death Star. With its complex of ancient temple ruins and dense jungle environment, Yavin 4, which appears from space in Star Wars as a blue-green Earth-like world, seemed like an ideal hiding place for the Rebels. However, the location of the Rebel base was, of course, eventually discovered by the Galactic Empire, which intended to destroy the entire moon from space with the awesome power of its Death Star battle station.

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As master chief gunnery officer Tenn Graneet prepared to fire the Death Star's superlaser, he hesitated when the Death Star was primed to fire, feeling the guilt of the destruction of Alderaan. During the battle, Rebels in the temple , including pilots who were left behind watched the battle from the command center, [20] along with Fighter Boss Nera Kase. This article is about the battle. Anakin defeats Asajj, sending her falling down a dark abyss. It is here that Luke Skywalker ends his quest by being reunited with his aged father. Anderson suggests that Jedi Knight Exar Kun had the temples built. Want to add more but not sure how to begin? Early Campaigns : 0 BBY. A direct hit would see the torpedoes travel down the length of the port and destroy the Death Star's main reactor. Palpatine thought that ALL of the high ranking members of the Empire were responsible for the defeat, so he sent Darth Vader to body them all. Now with a clear shot, Luke decided not to use his targeting computer and instead relied on the Force to guide his shot at the exhaust port, sinking two torpedoes down the shaft.

Even when mentioned in passing, it is clearly a significant event with far-reaching consequences. Why is the Battle of Yavin so important , and what sort of lasting effect did it have on the lore?

Following the acquisition of Lucasfilm by The Walt Disney Company , in April , most of the licensed Star Wars novels and comics produced since the originating film were rebranded as Star Wars Legends and declared non-canon to the franchise. Cancel Save. Galactic Civil War. Tarkin also refused to evacuate when his chief, Moradmin Bast , attempted to warn him that the Rebels may have found a weak spot in the station. The climactic space battle at the end of the film, in which the Rebel Alliance destroys the Death Star , takes place in orbit around the planet Yavin. Bedfordshire on Sunday. Retrieved December 22, Major military embarrassment. So before the Battle of Yavin, there was literally no calendar in the galaxy. The player is tasked with chasing the Imperials down the trench and then destroying the power plant.

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