Bendecido lunes
Good morning and happy Monday!
Use the above search field to search the Spanish-English dictionary by entering an English or a Spanish word to translate. Should the results you find in the Spanish-English dictionary be too extensive, there are filters to help narrow the results of Spanish to English translations. Hide irrelevant Spanish-English results by using settings for grammar, language regions and style. Are you trying to find the translation for Spanish terms, but are unable to remember the right spelling? Here you can search the Spanish dictionary directly.
Bendecido lunes
Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is crucial for maintaining motivation. English Georgian English - Georgian. Portuguese Bendecido lunes Portuguese - English.
Muchas personas se quejan de los lunes y al mismo tiempo de que la semana se acaba en un instante. Instituto Mensalus. Sonia Ruz Comas. Javi Soriano. Nahum Montagud Rubio. Oscar Castillero Mimenza. Dibuja una sonrisa en tu rostro, es lunes y te tienes que motivar. La mejor manera de empezar un lunes es teniendo una actitud positiva. Nueva semana, nuevas oportunidades, nuevas bendiciones
Bendecido lunes
Feliz semana. Comienza a dar lo mejor de ti. Es una nueva semana llena de esperanza y de nuevas posibilidades. Feliz lunes. Haz de esta semana la semana donde cambies tu vida. Y cuando la vida sea amarga, agradece y crece. Una nueva semana para hacer que cosas especiales sucedan. Que consigas aquello que tanto deseas. Pasa tu vida con quienes te hagan feliz, no con quien tengas que impresionar.
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German Spanish German - Spanish. Hide irrelevant Spanish-English results by using settings for grammar, language regions and style. Norwegian English Norwegian - English. English Dutch English - Dutch. German Russian German - Russian. Thai English Thai - English. Portuguese Spanish Portuguese - Spanish. Posts Jnck Media. Italian Spanish Italian - Spanish. English Swahili English - Swahili.
Malay English Malay - English. For example, new interpretations and translations for Spanish slang develop every day. Search the Spanish dictionary by letter Are you trying to find the translation for Spanish terms, but are unable to remember the right spelling? English Russian English - Russian. Hide irrelevant Spanish-English results by using settings for grammar, language regions and style. German Danish German - Danish. Let's stay in touch. Follow us. Also, certain types of special translations can differ greatly. Dutch English Dutch - English. Dutch German Dutch - German.
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