Because it was almost Christmas,, and I happened to be looking for science material for my five children my oldest particularly likes astronomy I decided to purchase it.
A strange star is claimed to have appeared at the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. It combines all these with astronomical facts which no one disputes. And it concludes that the star was a real event. Come solve this age-old mystery for yourself…. He puzzled out the math which drives the heavens.
This documentary is fascinating and meticulously researched. Frederick A. Larson, a lawyer, became interested in the history of the star of Bethlehem, and did extensive examining of the facts. He relied on biblical texts, Jewish historians such as Josephus, and astronomers and constellation experts such as Johames Kepler and Copernicus. Using astronomy software, he went back in time to the period in which the Eastern Star would have been viewed in the sky, and he began piecing together his findings. This DVD makes use of fantastic graphics and illustrations and sound teaching. Larson illustrates how a star could be bright and stop over a specific location. He also attempts to narrow down just exactly what kind of star it was: A comet? A nova? Approved for All Ages The Star of Bethlehem Scholars debate whether the Star of Bethlehem is a legend created by the early church or a miracle that marked the advent of Christ. Is it possible that the star was a real, astronomical event? This presentation, as seen by tens of thousands in the U.
In your commentary on capital punishment you completely miss the point John It signified birth. But,, a close reading of the Book of Matthew uncovers nine specific features of the Star.
Your Bethlehem Star article is out of date. Check out www. Also, they recently discovered there were 2 Sejanuses to correct the date. Finally, check out The Case for Christ by Strobel. I did indeed write the Bethlehem Star article well before Rick Larson and his Star model became better known. However, I have come across it many times since then though I have never had the pleasure of seeing him personally. I found no references to the Star, Wise Men, or Magi.
So a group of us got together to watch this widely distributed DVD documentary, presented by lawyer and Christian Rick Larson. Finally, a few months later as the magi arrive in Jerusalem, Jupiter enters retrograde motion. Larson provides a relatively thorough compilation of the Bible verses about the heavenly signs that beckoned the magi to seek out the Christ child. Specifically, Larson highlights at least nine scriptural criteria that any proposed astronomical explanation for the star must satisfy. Other models exist that utilize similar and different astronomical phenomena to account for the Christmas star. At the end of the video, he also gives a clear and heartfelt Gospel presentation. Such a position does not accord with the diversity of scholarship of other Christians and could lead someone to question the legitimacy of Scripture if the dates turn out different from what Larson claims. It also muddies the distinction between what work he produced and what material he may have borrowed from other scholars.
A strange star is claimed to have appeared at the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. It combines all these with astronomical facts which no one disputes. And it concludes that the star was a real event. Come solve this age-old mystery for yourself…. He puzzled out the math which drives the heavens.
Some of them were learned men in general, who studied the physical world and were knowledgeable about many things, including the stars. Part 3: The Day of the Cross. It signified birth. Are you experiencing the full potential of your relationship with God? Discover the secret of the star-a secret of magnificent beauty. Part 2: The Starry Dance. About the Project. A nova? The fateful verse in the Book of Micah which is quoted to Herod by the Jewish experts soon resulted in the death of many little boys in Bethlehem. The Book of John 1. Matthew b …We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him. The rediscovered Star is a sign to us today. Signs in the sky at His birth. This DVD makes use of fantastic graphics and illustrations and sound teaching.
But did such a cosmic sight ever really exist? And if so, what does astronomical science tell us about what could have caused it?
Recent Posts See All. Log in with your credentials. The constellations which would appear nine months later, in June of 2BC, would be even more interesting. A process of elimination examines meteors, comets, novae and planets as candidates. If Herod died in 4 BC, then Christ had to be born before that year. The Book of John 1. Signs in the sky at the crucifixion. In the Southern sky, over the little town of Bethlehem…. But I want to know, why have On what authority do you call New Age thought demonic?
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