black diamond edition vhs

Black diamond edition vhs

These days, only certain collectors and enthusiasts are interested in old VHS tapes, but certain IPs have some extra value. If black diamond edition vhs thinking of giving them away or throwing them out, you might want to take a step back and reconsider that decision. Combine this with Disney's nostalgia factor and the tendency to have limited runs, and prices can fluctuate wildly for both lots and individual tapes.

How much are your Disney VHS tapes really worth? Are Disney VHS tapes rare? What about all those bogus eBay listings? Disney VHS tapes are turning into something of a rarity these days. Instead of being used as a tool for viewing your favorites, they are more likely relics of the past, getting dusty on a shelf or maybe meticulously preserved by your mom.

Black diamond edition vhs


The Jungle Book


About this rating. No buyers are bidding anywhere close to those asking prices for the tapes. In late May , several blogs reported that people in possession of "Black Diamond Collection" Disney VHS tapes might have thousands of dollars' worth of rare materials on their hands. Such blogs made the common mistake of not noting the disparity between what sellers ask for such items and what buyers are actually willing to pay, thus skewing perceptions by considering only the former. The following article, for example, took into account only the listed asking prices on eBay for some Disney VHS tapes, without investigating whether any buyers were ever meeting those prices:. It's not because the live-action reboot, starring Emma Watson, is coming out next year. This VHS is selling for so much because it is rare. A similar piece claimed that these collectors' items have become increasingly rare due to Disney's continual editing of their films, an action that renders the original versions largely unattainable except to buyers who procured home video copies during their initial releases:. A modern directorial practice includes the adding, editing, altering, etc… of films from their original theatrical version. In addition, these original tapes that include scenes or songs that may have been cut afterword, can be valuable to collectors for various reasons as well!

Black diamond edition vhs

The Black Diamond VHS tapes have long captured the imaginations of collectors, with many believing them to be rare and valuable treasures. But what is the truth behind these iconic Disney tapes? Between and , 18 animated Disney features were released on VHS and sold in a distinctive clamshell case. For years, many believed that if you had any of these VHS tapes, you were sitting on a gold mine. Numerous eBay listings seemed to support this belief, with asking prices reaching thousands of dollars. In truth, Black Diamond videos are not that rare. Many of these will not sell, and even those that do often go for much less than the asking price.

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Issue 5 — Winter Wonderland. It had a long run before they were recalled from stores due to a customer complaint. The recent craze of Black Diamond Disney movies is one example. Misprints on the cover and limited releases are among those suspected of having a high value. What about all those bogus eBay listings? Not much. Movie buffs would be interested to know that a young Kurt Russel was the voice of Copper. But seriously, just like comic books, some VHS tapes are bound to be worth more than others. There are plenty in the same condition for as little as a few dollars. Lady is a cocker spaniel who belongs to a happy couple. Tramp is a mutt who lives on the streets and feeds himself by eating scraps from a local Italian restaurant. Hey, all VHS tapes are getting pretty rare, am I right? And those things are always worth keeping!

Dreams are just as important as reality, this is what Disney teaches us. Kids who grew up in the s and s would relate to this, they had arguably the best childhood screen time with awesome shows and series.

Search for each tape individually by film title. Hey, all VHS tapes are getting pretty rare, am I right? There are plenty in the same condition for as little as a few dollars. Instead, we'll tell you that Ariel's journey to find love has captured so many hearts that the list cost of it is ridiculously high, perhaps riding the wave of the live-action remake. No matter how you store them, they will deteriorate. It's the canine version of "My Fair Lady" combined with "Oliver Twist" and despite its status as one of the less prestigious Disney movies, it's a solid fan favorite. The Fox and the Hound It had a long run before they were recalled from stores due to a customer complaint. Tramp is a mutt who lives on the streets and feeds himself by eating scraps from a local Italian restaurant. How much are your Disney VHS tapes really worth?

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