Blue archive farmable units
Following list contains unit recommendations blue archive farmable units agreed on by the community, intended to help players starting out. Keep in mind that due to variety of game modes and damage types there can be no universally applicable tier list, so the suggestions listed are a matter of opinion and are meant to be a starting point rather than a definitive guide.
Blue Archive has many soldiers to choose from, each with their own unique skills. Please note that units drop only on the hard mode versions of the listed stages. Those are the units that are currently farmable in Blue Archive. Touch, Tap, Play is looking for experienced writers to produce guides for popular mobile and Nintendo Switch titles. Check out our job ad today!
Blue archive farmable units
In this article we will go over which students to prioritize when rerolling for Blue Archive. If you are looking to learn how to reroll in Blue Archive, we recommend checking out this article. Rerolling in Blue Archive is not necessary to progress through the game, but some students can help you progress through stages more easily or are essential for team building in the late game. If you plan on rerolling, we recommend getting at least 2 students listed below. Students in this category have found usage in most if not all raids or make progressing through the early game a breeze. Starting this off we have Himari, a core pick-up to any Hyper-Carry team composition. In addition to this, she also has one of the best buffs on her Sub Skill Cost Recovery. She also finds usage in General Content since you will want to rotate through your skills quickly to clear the stage. For the early game, multi-DPS team compositions are far more common and do not have a high damage threshold you have to meet. In addition to this, Himari does not deal damage herself, which requires you to have a relatively built damage dealer to take advantage of her buffs.
Haruna is a Mystic damage counterpart to Iori. There may be more than one in the map. Namespaces Page Discussion.
Mission is where farming takes place. Normal missions drop mainly Equipment , while Hard missions drop student's Divine Fragment. However, The drop rate for these items are mostly very low. It is not recommended to farm these since there are better ways on obtaining them via Fugitive Warrant and Special Request. It does not use additional AP and is unlimited. Each Mission act contains five normal stages and three hard stages. It also has usually two kinds of clear rewards.
Following list contains unit recommendations broadly agreed on by the community, intended to help players starting out. Keep in mind that due to variety of game modes and damage types there can be no universally applicable tier list, so the suggestions listed are a matter of opinion and are meant to be a starting point rather than a definitive guide. This list covers Regular pool students the ones that can be gotten from gacha at any time ; limited and anniversary students can also be extremely strong, so if you are rerolling during any limited banner consider those as well. The initial tutorial pull is limited to launch unit lineup and guarantees at least one 3-star student. Japanese version of the game now allows you to retry your tutorial pull up to 10 times, making getting any of the launch 3-star units relatively easy; of those units Shun is highly recommended. Following units are either farmable through various means, or relatively easy to obtain due to lower starting rarity.
Blue archive farmable units
Blue Archive has many soldiers to choose from, each with their own unique skills. Please note that units drop only on the hard mode versions of the listed stages. Those are the units that are currently farmable in Blue Archive. Touch, Tap, Play is looking for experienced writers to produce guides for popular mobile and Nintendo Switch titles. Check out our job ad today! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Skip to content. Blue Archive Farmable Units January
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This is mainly catered towards a specific raid Perorodzilla to cleanse the laser debuff, which can KO a tank or wipe the party if the effect is not cleansed. Provides Defense shred and solid single-target damage output for Binah raid. The enemy will attack the student on the adjacent tile. If your Tsubaki is well-invested or your team deals enough damage to clear out mobs quickly, you can forgo running a healer in general. Note that the self-heal on the Basic Skill can be triggered once per battle, allowing her to proc its effects multiple times in a stage. However, this is only a minor drawback, as once her EX Skill is activated, it can essentially clear the stage by itself. Sign In Register. Due to Nodoka Hot Spring 's EX Skill applying its healing over time and cannot be repositioned after cast, it can lead to some situations where your team will move on to the next area without receiving enough healing. Iroha is a powerful Mystic damage specialist with a somewhat overblown and subsequently undersold reputation. Kayoko New Year is a strong Mystic damage buffer. Next, we have Ako, another core component of the Hyper-Carry team.
Hinata is a strong AoE Mystic damage dealer, but needs high investment and Unique Gear to really shine. Note that she has recently been made farmable via Tactical Assault Shop, making it difficult for us to recommend pulling for her. Explore Wikis Community Central. Core 1st season PVP unit. Cherino, Iori, Reisa, Kokona. In this article we will go over which students to prioritize when rerolling for Blue Archive. Minori 3. However, with the release of newer students, there are now several alternatives available. As a damage buffer that stacks Piercing Effectiveness overtime, this puts Serina Christmas in an odd spot since the current end-game is a DPS race, which does not give her enough time to get buff stacks. An invisible tile that only appears when the Creation Tile is stepped on. Note that the self-heal on the Basic Skill can be triggered once per battle, allowing her to proc its effects multiple times in a stage. She can be KO'd by enemies unlike traditional Special healers. This affects the skill's overall uptime and requires you to adjust your skill rotations accordingly to take advantage of the debuff.
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