Blue lavender shih tzu

The colorful origins of the diminutive Shih Tzu are reflected in the rainbow colors of its coat. While the leading kennel clubs can be pretty restrictive about the acceptable coat colors of some blue lavender shih tzu, when it comes to Shih Tzus, it seems anything goes.

There are many Shih Tzu Coat Colors as well as pigmentation variations. When you are looking for your new puppy this is one of the questions I get asked the most. What color is this puppy considered? Here you can find information on all the different color variations of the Shih Tzu breed. Girls are always more popular. Color of Points eyes, nose, lips, paw pads 1 Blue rare 2 Lavender very rare 3 Liver eyes might be green; rare 4 Black 5 One blue eye 6 Pink on nose, lips, or eye rims. Here at Divine Pups we take pride in producing some of the rarest and highly sought-after puppies.

Blue lavender shih tzu

Hi, my little girl has had some puppies and one of them I'm just stuck with what colour he is please could you help, please. It is never easy to determine color in a photography because light can affect the color. It doesn't look as if you've altered the photo with an editor so I'm going to give you my best guess. That is not an official color but is often seen in Blues and Lavender puppies. The next thing to do is look at the nose color and paw pads. It is really hard to tell on the photograph but again, I am leaning towards a Blue or Lavender. Blue Shih Tzu do not have a solid black nose, mouth, and eye rims. That is why I mentioned Lavender. However, her nose color is not lavender. But it could be Blue. Blue is a standard color with AKC, but lavender is a dilute version of a liver puppy. Now, with all that said, I see you are in England and the Shih Tzu standard colors are slightly different from those of the American Kennel Club. The Kennel Club accepts gray and white as a standard color, so that may be what you want to call your puppy. Look at roots of the hair which will give you a better indication of what the color really is and will be when the puppy reaches adulthood.

Here at Divine Pups we take pride in producing some of the rarest and highly sought-after puppies. These puppies are likely to be the highest priced, blue lavender shih tzu. Albino Shih Tzus will invariably have pink skin and blue eyes which while eye-catching, can cause increased sensitivity to light.


The Shih Tzu is a small dog with a big personality. The American Kennel Club AKC dictates the breed standard which spells out what official colors these beautiful dogs can come in. They have a list of colors that a dog can be registered under when a breeder registers their new litter. While many people have seen multi-colored dogs, Shih Tzus can be a single, solid color. These solid dogs can be all black, all white, all silver, all gold, all blue, all liver, all red, or completely brindle. Brindle is a pattern that looks somewhat stripe-like.

Blue lavender shih tzu

The colorful origins of the diminutive Shih Tzu are reflected in the rainbow colors of its coat. While the leading kennel clubs can be pretty restrictive about the acceptable coat colors of some breeds, when it comes to Shih Tzus, it seems anything goes. Although the history of this ancient breed can be traced back some years, the Shih Tzu only started to gain widespread popularity after it was formally recognized by the AKC in This so-called Lion Dog is now the 20th most popular breed in the US and is widely loved for its happy, affectionate temperament and quirky character.


Lavender Very Rare — Diluted Liver. Many white Shih Tzus are not purebred but have been crossed with the Maltese in an effort to perfect the snowy white appearance. Some Isabella Shih Tzus also carry the dilute for liver, which gives them amber or hazel eyes, others may have a lilac tinge to their skins but a particolored coat. Despite that, there are plenty of images of albino Shih Tzus that suggest otherwise. Blue is a standard color with AKC, but lavender is a dilute version of a liver puppy. Miracle Shih Tzu Highly Recommends. Miracle Shih Tzu. Go by the Nose. Albinism is a genetic condition that causes a lack of pigmentation in the skin, hair, eyes, and blood vessels. In many instances, the third color is often faded and difficult to distinguish but, in a few dogs, you can clearly see black, gold, and silver combining to create a luxurious, multicolored coat. In the Shih Tzu, however, liver is not only acceptable, but many breeders sell their chocolate-colored puppies for more than they do those of more common colors.

Jones Updated The rainbow of Shih Tzu Coat Colors is a fascination for most Shih Tzu owners, and once buyers realize they have so many choices, that fascination often leads to an obsession.

Blue Shih Tzu do not have a solid black nose, mouth, and eye rims. My puppy shihtzu by Linzi cooper England. Girls are always more popular. Their lips and the pads on their feet will also normally have a chocolate hue. Color of Points eyes, nose, lips, paw pads 1 Blue rare 2 Lavender very rare 3 Liver eyes might be green; rare 4 Black 5 One blue eye 6 Pink on nose, lips, or eye rims C. The blue coat color is the result of an interaction between the dilution gene, D-Locus allele, and the black allele. The liver color is produced when the eumelanin or black pigment is diluted by the B locus. Shih Tzus can have spots and splashes of color almost anywhere, with some even combining three different colors. Go by the Nose. Albinism is a genetic condition that causes a lack of pigmentation in the skin, hair, eyes, and blood vessels. Liver White And Gold.

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