Boi rebirth items

Items are an integral part of the gameplay of The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. They modify Isaac's attributesgrant or modify tear effectsand much more. Items are classified into several distinct boi rebirth items and groups. Some items are passive, which add an effect permanently to Isaac, while others only activate when used.

Picking up this item as well as 2 other fly-type items will allow you to transform into Lord of the Flies. When revived, the green mushroom that follows Isaac will disappear and he will respawn with the same amount of red heart containers at full health. The tears spawned from Tammy's Head retain tear effects of Isaac's tears, such as poison or homing. Synergizes extremely well with Brimstone due to how the damage from both items is calculated when combined. Causes an explosion near Isaac which takes away half a heart and does 40 damage all enemies in close proximity. A poison bomb which can be thrown and leaves a poison effect on any enemies within the blast radius. The bomb deals 50 damage on hit and leaves a damage over time poison effect that does 3 times your tear damage per tick.

Boi rebirth items

Tears have a chance to fire a fungus tear that sticks to enemies. It grows rapidly in size then explodes into a gas cloud that damages nearby enemies. When the explosion happens, more homing fungus tears fire out in random directions. Those tears will cause the same effect if they happen to hit other enemies. Unlock this item by collecting 99 coins then spending all of them in the same run. This item will fire electricity at nearby enemies, dealing roughly x0. On floors with water on the ground Downpour, Flooded Caves, Dross this effect chain onto enemies further away than it normally would. Stat Down pills do nothing, and items like Experimental Treatment increase stats but don't reduce any. Spawns a red worm familiar that chases enemies nearby around the room and deals 2 contact damage per tick. After killing a 15 enemies, Blood Puppy transforms into an aggressive version that will also attack Isaac by charging at him. Damaging the aggressive Blood Puppy will eventually return it to its normal state.

Throws out a flame that damages everything in its path, diminishing in size as it hits enemies or blocks shots. Spelunker Hat. Upon use, Isaac loses half a heart boi rebirth items health or a full heart in Chapter 4 onward for a random amount of coinssimilar to a Blood Donation Machine.

This can be caused either by obtaining Chaos or exhausting the item pool, making Breakfast appear. Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Wiki Explore. Bosses Monsters. Characters Familiar Co-op Baby. Achievements Completion Marks Challenges Endings. Chapters Rooms Beggars Machines Obstacles.

The Rebirth encyclopedia written and maintained by the players. We currently host 13, pages 1, articles! Keep in mind, these articles are in-depth and there are no spoiler tags. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the rules and editing guidelines. Players will accompany Isaac on a quest to escape his mother , facing off against droves of mysterious creatures , discovering secrets, and fighting fearsome bosses. Along the way, Isaac can find bizarre treasures that change his form and give him super-human abilities. But it won't be easy!

Boi rebirth items

Picking up this item as well as 2 other fly-type items will allow you to transform into Lord of the Flies. When revived, the green mushroom that follows Isaac will disappear and he will respawn with the same amount of red heart containers at full health. The tears spawned from Tammy's Head retain tear effects of Isaac's tears, such as poison or homing. Synergizes extremely well with Brimstone due to how the damage from both items is calculated when combined.

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Missing Poster: Dying in a sacrifice room while holding this trinket will reveal a puzzle piece on the death screen. Gives Isaac Pennies. Upon use, this item will fart, pushing enemies away and causing a wave of rocks to spawn that spread outwards from Isaac in a circle, dealing 10 damage per hit to any enemies caught in it. Mom's Purse. Isaac himself is now immune to all damage, and a heart familiar follows him. This means you need a way to teleport out of the Mom's Foot boss fight. When the explosion happens, more homing fungus tears fire out in random directions. Grants flight and one Eternal Heart. Spawns a red worm familiar that chases enemies nearby around the room and deals 2 contact damage per tick. Gives Isaac an orbital knife that blocks shots and deals 15 damage per tick on contact with enemies. Causes your normal tears to fire out of one eye, which means tears will fire in a near-perfect line instead of slightly off-center. Adds 2 keys. Can also be charged by taking damage.

From powerful usable items to interesting passive items, the expansion introduces many items that will increase the amount of fun you have when playing the game! D12 Re-rolls all rocks in the room into other objects, such as bomb rocks, poop, pots, etc.

When used, gives you an orbital flame which represents another random passive item in the game. The target can be moved with tear controls. Fruit Cake. It can only have one Fly at a time. Converts all negative pills into their positive counterparts e. Sacrificial Dagger. Bombs now cloud up the screen, briefly damaging and confusing all enemies. The bonus resets when entering a new floor. Similar to Tammy's Head, this item synergizes with a lot of items i. Share to your Steam activity feed. Changing the firing direction will redirect all previously fired tears. It's possible to find this item by blowing up Polyps the weird red rocks found in the Womb floors.

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