Bonnie the walking dead

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Bonnie the walking dead

I just decided I'd make lists of some characters' decisions and actions in The Walking Dead Game series during the zombie apocalypse and share my perspective on how they are good, bad or debatable. Determinantly lying to Leland bad - Bonnie had little to no right to conceal the truth from Leland especially since what Bonnie did to Dee was an accident. You may say that Bonnie had the right to lie because her relationship with Leland may have turned into a rivalry of some sort, but that reason is really only personal. Bonnie was taken into Leland's and Dee's group, they found her and have helped to take care of her ever since then, really Bonnie has no right to lie when Leland and Dee had hospitality for her and they may be the reason Bonnie lived up to Days. Telling Carver about the Ski Lodge bad - Bonnie had just received a big box full of cans which in the zombie apocalypse is considered to be a treasure as supplies run low, Bonnie was again shown hospitality but this time from complete strangers and how does she repay them? Bonnie leads Carver and his other accomplices to the Ski Lodge and heightened the tension from then, of course it wasn't just Bonnie who caused the fuss at the Ski Lodge but her actions lead up to that point, you could say that it wasn't Bonnies fault that things went wrong but then again she never really goes out of her way to save Walter, the guy who gave her those supplies. Giving Clementine the 'cool' jacket good - This act of kindness goes without saying. Bonnie feeling sorry for her actions may be one of the reasons she gave Clementine the jacket as a different type of apology but Bonnie sneaks the jacket from the Ski Lodge, I think she disobeyed Carver in a way by doing so and all just so she could give the jacket to Clementine, this jacket has proven helpful for Clementine, she may not have survived the blizzard without it and it may have prolonged her demise in the ice cold water. Determinantly keeping the Luke secret good - She seemed to respect Carver in allot of ways but this decision of hers told us that she really is sorry for her past decisions, she didn't have to keep the secret to herself when Clementine tells her, this may be because it was a secret about Luke, someone who seemed to be her love interest, but she still kept the secret a secret, Luke got caught all on his own without Bonnie's doing, it goes to show that she would betray Carver to help Clementine out. Helping the group escape debatable - Bonnie chose to help the group out of her own will, it's a good action since she could've stayed and live a good life and prevent the group from ever escaping, however, she chose to help the group in her own way, she defied Carver and gave the group a chance at freedom, however, the escape was successful and the Walkers caused the Community to fall, Bonnie didn't seem to have though about the other members of the Community, really none of the members of the group thought about the rest of the Community during their escape. Trying to get Clementine to crawl through the ticket booth debatable - Bonnie kept trying to get Clementine to crawl through, not knowing the danger that could have been on the other side, not even thinking of that possibility, however, in the state the group was in it's not that easy to blame Bonnie, she may have had enough to make up for and trying to get Clementine to do things may not have been such a good thing, but many members of the group expect Clementine to do things for them as well. Determinantly covering Luke debatable - Really there was no other way Bonnie could help without getting someone killed, choosing to cover Luke was his wish, but there is a cost to Bonnie doing this, in order for Bonnie to cover Luke, Clementine must try to save Luke, Luke asks for the both of them to just cover him, yet Bonnie tries to convince Clementine to help Luke, while covering Luke was the good thing to do, it required her convincing Clementine to try to save Luke which causes his icy demise. Determinantly trying to save Luke bad - While she had her own personal good intentions, she caused the icy demise of Luke to occur, she plays a part in Luke's supposed death one way or another, despite being told by Luke not to help and being told that the ice would not be able to support anyone else's wait, she still goes out of her way to save her love interest, she wasn't thinking logically as Luke was at that point and if you save her from her icy demise by breaking the ice open, she automatically blames Clementine as if she was the one who broke the ice. Determinantly trying to escape with Mike and Arvo debatable - Bonnie had her own reasons for escaping, really with the situation the group was at it's not unexpected, Jane left too when the group met a moment's peace and now Bonnie is doing the same, she is leaving the responsibilities she's made but she also has some right to, however, if Bonnie lives she steals the last bag of supplies, meaning that the trio would try to leave, which is fine, but with all the supplies needed to take care of AJ and to keep the group fed and healthy along with stealing the only way of fast travel the group had, this was definitely not fine.

The three decide to let the raccoon escape, and they return to Parker's Run with the confederate coat and water. Villains Wiki Explore.

Desktopversion anzeigen. Steam installieren. Globale Errungenschaften. In my game Clem was never nice to her. Told her is was her fault then told her the jacket was ugly. I just kinda feel like Bonnie is an idiot and Carver was right about my Clem no time for her.

Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Thank you. The story takes place days into the apocalypse. It follows Bonnie as she is chased through a cornfield by mysterious, flashlight-wielding figures, and her subsequent attempt to defend herself. Bonnie's story starts off with her talking to Leland , who has her choose between the hypothetical situation of having lobster hands or a snake for a tongue.

Bonnie the walking dead

Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Thank you. Bonnie is one of the six protagonists of Days and later a main character and determinately a former antagonist in Season Two , as well as a survivor of the outbreak in Telltale 's The Walking Dead. She was a member of her own group consisting of Leland and Dee until it was disbanded. She later became a member of William Carver 's group before turning on him after witnessing his brutality. She has her own personal story. If Clementine has an adversarial relationship with Bonnie, she will become an antagonist again in " No Going Back ".

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Balthus Dire Mrs. You better watch yourself. Dee will then die, calling her a "junkie". Dee immediately questions them on what it is they're talking about. Bonnie later asks Dee if she could borrow her red nail polish once they got back to camp, commenting that she liked it. I won't force you to be around me if you don't want to. Later on, during the escape, Bonnie and the others cover themselves with blood to escape, she and Sarita break cover after the death of Carlos by attacking nearby walkers in order to protect Sarah and Clementine from them. Top Content. He was in the heat of the moment and he overreacted. She also promises that they will take care of her baby, and as Kenny begins to beat Arvo, Bonnie is the first to speak up and attempt to stop the conflict. I was trying to be mean to her, but there weren't many options.


Was savin' it for a special occasion and Bonnie believes she is harmless and agrees that the safe haven sounds like a good idea. We're starving. Negan Lives. As Arvo claims that he can take them to a house , Bonnie agrees and pleads with Kenny to calm down so they can begin to travel to the house. Clem, you can make it. I'd love for you to give me and Mike a hand looking at the museum, but I was thinking Bonnie and Clementine are the closest to Luke and quickly consider what they should do:. As Kenny and Jane scout the station for walkers, Bonnie will suggest that AJ likes Clementine as she managed to calm him down. They manage to dispatch some of the walkers, but the ice near Luke's feet gives way and he half collapses into the lake. He's had a rough start She was my least favorite character form days. But I don't think he woulda ever been that guy. The gun thing I really don't get

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