Borax ant killer

Most of us will have to deal with those pesky little ants that appear throughout the year at some point.

Summer is in full swing around here and with that comes all kinds of pests and bugs. Luckily I have a solution… a homemade ant killer mix that actually works to get rid of the problem for good. Back almost 5 years ago, when my middle daughter suffered from extreme eczema, I made a commitment to eliminate toxins from our home. I started replacing all cleaning products, our food choices, beauty products, and any household products. This included things like ant killer spray. Once I started replacing these items with better choices, I started seeing the benefits in all our skin, our health, and our immune systems. I was hooked and knew that finding healthy nontoxic products for our home was the way to go!

Borax ant killer

To make matters worse, ants defend these pests from their natural predators, but ants are easily excluded from fruit trees by using horticultural glue bands around the trunks. Once ants are prevented from climbing trees, the unprotected aphids and scale are quickly eliminated by predators. When ant populations become excessively large and invasive, they can be sensibly reduced with the use of ant baits which have a low environmental impact. Borax is a natural occurring mineral salt, sodium tetraborate decahydrate , and is commonly used as a laundry detergent booster and a multi-purpose cleaner. When insects ingest borax, it acts as a stomach poison. The exact mode of action is not yet understood, but when borate salts dissolve inside an insect body they form boric acid. After ingestion, insects reduce their feeding, dry out and are eventually killed. To mix up bigger batches of the borax ant bait, just double the quantities of ingredients, combine 1 cup of sugar, 4 level teaspoons of borax and ml 24 ounces of water. That much ant bait should last quite a while, and stores well in a cool, dark place such as a laundry or kitchen cupboard. The following materials are required to make an ant trap to use with the borax-based ant bait insecticide:. With this indoor ant trap, the holes for the ants to enter through are located at the top of the container. When baiting ants outdoors, the trap needs to be protected from rain, otherwise it will flood and overflow, diluting the mixture and ruining it.

Take about a teaspoon of the mixture and place it onto an index card or a piece of cardstock.

JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Ant baits are surprisingly simple in the way they work. As ant foragers from the colony look for food, they are attracted to the sweet liquid in the insect bait and greedily consume it. Why does Borax kill ants? While the ant bait will ultimately kill the worker ant, it interferes with the ant's digestive system and works slowly enough that the worker has time to get back and share the bait with the rest of the colony.

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Borax ant killer

Using borax to kill ants is an incredibly effective form of pest control that we recommend all the time. This guide will teach you about the different ways you can use borax to get rid of ants, plus the various recipes you can use for maximum success. Borax is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used in consumer products for decades! It also goes by many other names. Whatever you call it, borax is quite versatile. Many industries take advantage of it! So, what exactly is borax? Suppliers mine the substance from massive saline lakes.

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Comment here and let us know how it worked for you! BOY do these particular ants like this mixture. Add 2 level teaspoons of borax into ml 12 ounces of water Step2. Inside the RV, I place some on paper towels or cotton balls. To make this ant bait trap rain cover: Get a soft drink bottle that is wide than the jar used for the trap. This also keeps you from having to clean up tiny ant carcasses all over the house! Ants are a real problem in my garden. Thank you for sharing this tip. Once ants are prevented from climbing trees, the unprotected aphids and scale are quickly eliminated by predators. Free 4 video workshop on how to confidently use homemade herbal remedies! I feel a little bad for them. The following materials are required to make an ant trap to use with the borax-based ant bait insecticide:.

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Make sure to leave a comment below if you tried this ant killer recipe. How to Make Bulletproof Coffee. It must also be kept dry. Instructions Get a paper plate or a piece of parchment paper then pour the maple syrup in the middle. Author: Carolyn Thomas. Get the latest homesteading tips delivered to your inbox weekly. Easy Homemade Celery Salt. I started replacing all cleaning products, our food choices, beauty products, and any household products. Maybe even longer depending on how big the ant nest is. Use a funnel if the bottle has a narrow mouth. Once ants are prevented from climbing trees, the unprotected aphids and scale are quickly eliminated by predators. Recipe Rating Recipe Rating.

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