bordeaux gay clubs

Bordeaux gay clubs

Coco Loko : This bar is aimed at the younger audience, many locals and the vast majority are girls, bordeaux gay clubs. We didn't feel at all uncomfortable and we were very well received by the staff and locals. This bar has happy hours on Thursdays with very low prices for Bordeaux and prepare yourself for a full house on those nights.

Bordeaux has been completely revamped in the recent years and is now able to showcase its cultural heritage like never before. With fresh facades and lively squares, this charming city in the south west of France is more popular than ever. Over buildings of Bordeaux are classified as historical monuments including three Unesco World Heritage Sites. Bordeaux is the world capital of wine and one of the cities where French culture is both felt and truly represented. While Bordeaux may tempt you with its wine and dreamy squares, don't expect too much from Bordeaux as a gay city, with few gay establishments. While Bordeaux may not have many gay venues, it still hosts a very colorful and popular Gay Pride each year mid-June. The festivities usually kick off in Place de la Republique and end up at Place de la Victoire.

Bordeaux gay clubs

Beyond the viticulture for which it is rightly famed, Bordeaux leads a double life as an up-and-coming nightlife hub, with diversity and flair that could rival Paris. Laganzza created Le Couvent in with 13 co-queens who were frustrated with the hyper-competition and limited resources of the Bordeaux drag scene, lacking mentors and finding it impossible to book paid shows. Most importantly, Le Couvent offers young performers the financial and emotional support that Laganzza says is often missing from competitive drag circles. As the de facto promoter for eight Bordelaise drag houses, this page compiles upcoming show details into a one-stop shop for fans. Follow the handle dragbordeaux to stay up to date on all impending festivities, which are hosted in an eclectic mix of bars. Escape or regress to your adolescent soft-punk phase with a visit to Bad Mother Fucker Pub, so named for the wallet of the same moniker in the cult classic Pulp Fiction. For queer travellers seeking community or simply a harassment-free evening, Laganzza suggests visiting on a drag night. Scott Fitzgerald or Josephine Baker should be sidling around the corner any minute, glass of absinthe in hand. In case you need more reasons to boogie down on the high seas, the discotheque also regularly features a revolving door of delightful events, from roller disco dancing to flash tattoo nights to the occasional drag show. Connect with like-minded people on our premium trips curated by local insiders and with care for the world.

A selection of cocktail bars in Bordeaux.

Passing through Bordeaux? In addition to the upper pop-themed room, a second room plays more electronic music. The resident party host, Mlle Coco, regularly invites drag stars to perform from around France. This gay bar is run by Preston and Graham, who organise festive evenings every night from 10pm to 2am. The establishment has two rooms seating up to 40 people. Two rooms, two atmospheres: on the ground floor you can party around the bar, and upstairs you can get to know each other in a more intimate setting.

A port city on the river Garonne and the capital of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. Coming into Roman rule in 60 BC, Bordeaux has a varied and fascinating history. The 18th Century is considered to be the Golden Age of the city with Victor Hugo declaring it a combination of Versailles and Antwerp and was Baron Hausmann's model for the rebuilding of Paris. Nowadays, Bordeaux is famous across the world for being the capital of the wine industry. Every year the wine industry generates over 14 billion euros for the local economy.

Bordeaux gay clubs

More in-depth further below. And, each with why its best to go. Furthermore, you can get on the guest list, book a table with bottle service or buy entrance tickets with our partnered venues. From its opening this place has established it self as a very unique concept in France and perhaps in the all Europe. It is situated in an ideal place, quiet area, that is at the foot of tram B.

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Passing through Bordeaux? The resident party host, Mlle Coco, regularly invites drag stars to perform from around France. No View Payload. Despite everything being in french, we never felt left out because we didn't understand what they were saying. Post ID: Sponsored? Free entyr. Entry is 10 euros with a free drink. For queer travellers seeking community or simply a harassment-free evening, Laganzza suggests visiting on a drag night. Laganzza created Le Couvent in with 13 co-queens who were frustrated with the hyper-competition and limited resources of the Bordeaux drag scene, lacking mentors and finding it impossible to book paid shows. New accommodations in Bordeaux. September Bordelle has its roots in festive and cultural activism, and organises a variety of events and parties across France. Culture Trip launched in with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful — and this is still in our DNA today. Follow the handle dragbordeaux to stay up to date on all impending festivities, which are hosted in an eclectic mix of bars.

Passing through Bordeaux? In addition to the upper pop-themed room, a second room plays more electronic music.

There is not exactly one gay neighborhood or area, we can say that they are all located in the center. Read more. Bordeaux is the world capital of wine and one of the cities where French culture is both felt and truly represented. See more. A selection of bars for music and dancing in Bordeaux. But no, some guys we talked to later confirmed, the "bar" doesn't sell alcohol Laganzza created Le Couvent in with 13 co-queens who were frustrated with the hyper-competition and limited resources of the Bordeaux drag scene, lacking mentors and finding it impossible to book paid shows. Follow the handle dragbordeaux to stay up to date on all impending festivities, which are hosted in an eclectic mix of bars. We asked how it works and the answer was: We don't have alcohol Edit article Debug. This gay bar is run by Preston and Graham, who organise festive evenings every night from 10pm to 2am. The Ultra Klubs is open from Friday to Sunday, midnight to 7am. Over buildings of Bordeaux are classified as historical monuments including three Unesco World Heritage Sites. Secure payments:. Themed evenings are frequent.

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