Borderlands 2 most fun class

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Alterar idioma. Instale o Steam. Conquistas globais. West Dragon Ver perfil Ver mensagens. I'm just starting out, but I think I've an idea of how long it will take to get from 1 to max in this game and I'd like to ensure that I've the most fun possible from start to finish. So, I'd like to hear from the community what the most fun class is.

Borderlands 2 most fun class

Video Series Zero Punctuation. Log in. Poll: Most fun Borderlands 2 character class? Thread starter Zhukov Start date Jul 14, Forums General Forums V1 Archive. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Zhukov The Laughing Arsehole. Dec 29, 13, 5 Picked up Borderlands 2 in the Steam sale. Heard it's a lot better than the first one, which I found to be meh. Saw some gameplay videos with some actually somewhat funny dialogue, which was a nice surprise. I doubt I'm going to be playing it more than once, so I wanted to know which class es are the most fun to play, especially since the character selection screen tell you precisely fuck-all. Dull but serviceable.

Siren- favorite class, best mobbing character and can be best healer if you spec her that way. Jesus christ everything paragraphs dude, they are a blessing. Axton the Solider is more multi-purpose, he can spec his turret for rocket pods, slag bullets elemental damage that incurs a debuff to damage resistance or a nuke goes off where you deploy it.

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Borderlands 2 has long struck a chord in our hearts due to its exciting gameplay and the sheer amount of customizability and builds you can do with each class. While each class has its merits, Salvadore the Gunzerker remains our top pick. He deals an absurd amount of DPS, regenerates lost health almost instantaneously, and is viable in all situations due to his action skill that helps him soak up damage. From our playthrough, classes like the Commando, which generally are frowned upon in Ultra Vault Hunter still pulled their weight and were quite fun to play too! While some classes like the Commando, for example, do well in earlier difficulties, they lose their effectiveness later on. Other than that, here are a few key metrics that we took into accord while basing our final rankings:. Gaige the Mechromancer is an additional class that was added later into the game as a DLC. Deathtrap either fires a melee strike with its claw every 1.

Borderlands 2 most fun class

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. S View Profile View Posts. Showing 1 - 14 of 14 comments. Havent spent much time in BLPS. But still for me its like this..

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Side Quest. UrinalDook New member. If you want me to go into more detail, with possible spoilers, let me know. Gunzerker- is broken levels of OP, but he's very boring to play. Sirens are indispensable in teams because their abilities to give second winds to teammates long-range. The turrets provide a lot of utility options you don't get with the others. This may take some time So, I'd like to hear from the community what the most fun class is. If you have the contraband grenade from having the special dlc or whatever; make good use of it. Souls View Profile View Posts. I spec'd her more defensive, and let Deathtrap take care of most of the fighting for me. That is a lot of what this game is anyway though, and Axton has some fun skills too. Krieg and Gaige really make you play the game much more differently. I tried Maya, but after about 10 levels into it I was bored of her one-trick pony style of play.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam.

Thedutchjelle New member. When it comes to people saying the turret plays the game for you, is it really any different than mayas skill holding the enemy still while I shoot it? But having that much power makes him boring after a while. What is a good XP farm? What do you mean by "use" Haha. Anarki 10 years ago 5. Since the level buff, Commandos have gotten pretty OP late game with the ability to throw 2 slagging turrets, and never have to worry about weapon swapping. Does it work on all enemies, including bosses? From looking at old threads, it seems like people say Salvador is the damage monster and Axton plays the game without really trying. Todos os direitos reservados. Starting a Mechro! My response to any of these threads will always be the same.

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